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Lord Raffles

New member
I recently read an article from the pen of some Vatican priest advocating the prohibition of the sale in Africa of contraceptives. If any criminal lunatic should really try to introduce this measure, I'd soon have his head off! In view of the exraordinary fertility of the inhabitants, we should be only too pleased to encourage the women and the girls to practice the arts of contraception at all times. Far from prohibiting sale of contraceptives, therefore, we should do our utmost to encourage it.

We should call on the Jews for help! With their unrivalled sense of commerce, they are the very people for the job!
Lord Raffles said:
I recently read an article from the pen of some Vatican priest advocating the prohibition of the sale in Africa of contraceptives. If any criminal lunatic should really try to introduce this measure, I'd soon have his head off! In view of the exraordinary fertility of the inhabitants, we should be only too pleased to encourage the women and the girls to practice the arts of contraception at all times. Far from prohibiting sale of contraceptives, therefore, we should do our utmost to encourage it.

We should call on the Jews for help! With their unrivalled sense of commerce, they are the very people for the job!

Your powerful hatred of Jews is incredible. I see you really have it in for this group of people. Did a Jew steal your girlfriend and your money?

I would tend to agree with the African argument. We in the West are stupid enough to be sending aid to these African states who divert the funds in order to maintain their dictatorships. Why are we dumb enough to send aid to an African woman who has 12 kids when she cannot even support herself? We could teach the Africans population control by simply denying them aid of any kind. They brought the poverty upon themselves therefore they must learn to deal with it on their own. Africa continues to blame the West for their poverty yet the only monies these African states receive is via aid. How is it our fault the aid we send is converted to military power by those dictatorships? If we decide then perhaps we should bring those dictatorships down upon their knees by refusing any further aid we will still be blamed. No-win scenario is what this may be called. When my people controlled the majority of Africa the peoples were well-fed and educated. It is not until after we left and granted them independence that the continent began to falter. Amongst the richest lands in the world yet they cannot even feed themselves. Strange.
SaintLucifer said:
Your powerful hatred of Jews is incredible. I see you really have it in for this group of people. Did a Jew steal your girlfriend and your money?

I would tend to agree with the African argument. We in the West are stupid enough to be sending aid to these African states who divert the funds in order to maintain their dictatorships. Why are we dumb enough to send aid to an African woman who has 12 kids when she cannot even support herself? We could teach the Africans population control by simply denying them aid of any kind. They brought the poverty upon themselves therefore they must learn to deal with it on their own. Africa continues to blame the West for their poverty yet the only monies these African states receive is via aid. How is it our fault the aid we send is converted to military power by those dictatorships? If we decide then perhaps we should bring those dictatorships down upon their knees by refusing any further aid we will still be blamed. No-win scenario is what this may be called. When my people controlled the majority of Africa the peoples were well-fed and educated. It is not until after we left and granted them independence that the continent began to falter. Amongst the richest lands in the world yet they cannot even feed themselves. Strange.

North Africa was once a heavily wooded territory, and Greece Italy and Spain, too, at the time of the Graeco-Roman era also had many vast forests. In passing judgement on Egyptian history, too, let me advice caution. Like Greece and Italy, Egypt also during the period of her glory was a most habitable country with a most equable climate. So when a people begin to cut down their trees without making any provision for re-afforestation - and thus rob nature's wise irrigation system of its essential pre-requisite - you may be sure that it is a sign of the beginning of their cultural degeneration.
There are many simple solutions to the food shortages in Africa.

1: Reproductive sterilisation : less babies = more food to go around

2: Move to where the food is : doesn’t matter how much money you send these fuckers, you cant grow crops in sand.

3: Nuclear sterilisation : less people = more food to go around (it worked for the Japs)

Lord Raffles said:
North Africa was once a heavily wooded territory, and Greece Italy and Spain, too, at the time of the Graeco-Roman era also had many vast forests. In passing judgement on Egyptian history, too, let me advice caution. Like Greece and Italy, Egypt also during the period of her glory was a most habitable country with a most equable climate. So when a people begin to cut down their trees without making any provision for re-afforestation - and thus rob nature's wise irrigation system of its essential pre-requisite - you may be sure that it is a sign of the beginning of their cultural degeneration.

You actually got something right. Incredible. That is correct that all of Africa was once lush, fertile soil. The dumb peoples destroyed that soil due to a lack of intellect. I still recall reading about the arrival of the Dutch in South Africa at Cape Town. The nomadic blacks who finally reached the shores of South Africa were stunned at seeing domesticated animals. These are a people who followed their food across the entire continent. Naturally they knew nothing about farming or the domestication of animals. They learned all of that from the white man.