Ailing Farrakhan to followers: Carry on without me


Vuhlkansu Wihs

CHICAGO, Illinois (AP) -- Minister Louis Farrakhan said in a letter to followers this month that he is seriously ill, and he asked the Nation of Islam's leaders to carry on in his absence to make sure the movement "will live long after I and we have gone."

Farrakhan, 73, said he began suffering pain earlier this year similar to 1998, when he was diagnosed with prostate cancer and underwent surgery. He said doctors discovered an ulcer in his anal area during a visit to Cuba in March.

Since then, he has lost 35 pounds while battling "serious infection and inflammation," Farrakhan said in a letter dated September 11 and published in the Nation of Islam's The Final Call newspaper.

May this turn out to be the end of that sack of shit. It's my sincerest hope that his death is a long and lingering painful demise.

Now if we can just figure out a way to get rid of Jessie Jackson and his little bastard of a son, the world will be a much better place.


Vuhlkansu Wihs
And just so no one starts screaming "racist! racist!",

Once those two monkeys are gone we can start working on ways to get rid of Pat Robertson and the Christian Coalition.


There's no place like home-
Sarek said:
And just so no one starts screaming "racist! racist!",

Once those two monkeys are gone we can start working on ways to get rid of Pat Robertson and the Christian Coalition.

Alrighty then!:bwahaha: