

lkjewro23piqjur2oijkslfaw e
A friend has recently got me all set up to play Aion on a private server (which bypasses the monthly fee), so I'm giving it a go. My only experience with MMOs comes from Guild Wars. The two games are extremely different (GW has towns and all the explorable areas are instanced, the group feature is vastly different, etc), but Aion's interface is really easy to learn. My one downside at the moment is that for some reason, I can't seem to trade anyone in the game. But that may just be because there's a level restriction or new account restriction that goes with the game, I haven't really looked into it. And I haven't figured out which button is the autorun...

The graphics are absolutely gorgeous, and I'm really interested to get my wings so I can fly :D I'm playing a mage as I started out in Guild Wars with what's called an Elementalist, and that's what I'm most comfortable with. They also have a priest class that can heal, a warrior class that can tank, and a hunter class that are archers. You take on a second profession once you reach a certain level, but I'm not quite there yet.

Does anyone else play? I couldn't necessarily play with you as we're on different servers. Or is anyone interested in playing? The private server is pretty sweet, and it's constantly being updated. Just last night they upgraded to the latest version of the game, which was released very recently. It's not too difficult to get set up on, either, which is good for me :p