Al-Qaeda threatens jihad over Pope's remarks


Staff member
An Iraqi militant group led by al-Qaeda has threatened to massacre Christians in response to remarks about Islam by Pope Benedict XVI that have caused offence across the Muslim world.

The Pope quoted a 14th Century Byzantine emperor who criticised the teachings of Mohammad for endorsing the use of violence, in a speech to an academic audience at a German university last Tuesday.

Yesterday, after a wave of protests across the Islamic world, Benedict said he was deeply sorry. He said that he had had no intention of causing offence, and stressing that the text he had quoted in no way represented his personal views on the Muslim faith and the doctrine of jihad.

"I hope that this serves to appease hearts and to clarify the true meaning of my address, which in its totality was and is an invitation to frank and sincere dialogue, with great mutual respect," the pontiff added.

Today an internet statement by the Mujahideen Shura Council, an umbrella group led by Iraq’s branch of al Qaeda, threatened reprisals against "worshippers of the cross" for the Pope's remarks.

"We shall break the cross and spill the wine. ... (you will have no choice but) Islam or death," said the statement, citing a hadith (saying of the Prophet Mohammed) promising Muslims that they would "conquer Rome... as they conquered Constantinople".

"We tell the worshipper of the cross (the Pope) that you and the West will be defeated, as is the case in Iraq, Afghanistan, Chechnya. God enable us to slit their throats, and make their money and descendants the bounty of the Mujahideen."

As usual with such statements, the authenticity could not be verified. It was posted on an internet site often used by al-Qaeda and other militant groups. It continued: "The Pope in the Vatican turns in the orbit of Bush. His remarks form part of the mobilisation for a crusade announced by Bush, to raise the morale of the crusader armies."

Two other armed groups in Iraq, Jaish al-Mujahedeen (the Mujahedeen’s Army) and Asaeb al-Iraq al-Jihadiya (League of Jihadists in Iraq), have already threatened the Vatican with reprisals in statements posted on Islamist internet websites.

Another militant group in Iraq, Ansar al-Sunnah, today also vowed to fight Christians in retaliation.

"You will only see our swords until you go back to God’s true faith Islam," it said in a separate statement, which called the Pope "Satan’s hellhound in the Vatican", saying he was "proud today of his hatred towards Muslims".

"The day is coming when the armies of Islam will destroy the ramparts of Rome," it added in the statement addressed to "Crusaders".

The Pope's use of an obscure medieval quotation, without making it clear that he did not agreed with its contents, has outraged Muslims and triggered protests and even attacks on churches in several Arab towns.

Ali Khamenei, Iran’s supreme leader, said today that the pontiff's remarks were the latest "links in the chain" of a US-Israeli conspiracy aimed at creating conflict between religions.


Clearly the Muslim world is still having trouble seperating "irony" from goldie and bronzy. It does take a very special kind of people to decide that being accused of being a violent faith by a 14th-century Byzantine Emperor in a quote used in a theological debate by the Pope should translate into massacaring people. :roll: Yeah-huh, not really understanding this too well.

Maybe it's me? Perhaps I'm being too simple in reading into this?

"Islam is violent!"

"How dare you, Islam preaches peace and tolerance! KILL ALL WORSHIPPERS OF THE CROSS, JIHAD! JIHAD! DURKA! DURKA!"

So far we have had churches being firebombed, a nun killed in Africa and a showing of general mass hysteria by the Muslim world in denouncing the Pope and trying their damndest to prove him wrong by threatening a jihad and a war against all Christians.

Stupid fucking n00bs. For every moderate Islamic cleric I have read who wants a peaceful resolve to the situation there is about 7 million crazy loons running around screaming about killing everything in sight. And I have yet to hear any speaker for Islam point out the sheer dumb irony in the reaction to the Pope's comments.




Forever Empress E
Like I said, Al-Qaida needs to be killed. Today, I vote we make the middle east a crater then salt the damned place so the evil that dwells there can never come back.

Tomorrow I will go see my little Paki boyfriend and make him explain to me why I should allow him to be on my planet. He will and I will understand. But, today, I want muslims bound, gagged, dipped in pigs blood and soaked in bad brandy.

Is there some reason why the west can't wall off the middle east and refuse to let anyone in or out of that part of the world?


Staff member
eloisel said:
Like I said, Al-Qaida needs to be killed. Today, I vote we make the middle east a crater then salt the damned place so the evil that dwells there can never come back.

Tomorrow I will go see my little Paki boyfriend and make him explain to me why I should allow him to be on my planet. He will and I will understand. But, today, I want muslims bound, gagged, dipped in pigs blood and soaked in bad brandy.

Is there some reason why the west can't wall off the middle east and refuse to let anyone in or out of that part of the world?

You may have missed the irony boat as well, you know.

There has to some logical progression when one gets sick and tired of the bullshit in this world. While I agree that the West has no reason to be on the back-pedal or playing the apologist game, out-and-out rasicm irks me. There are children in the Middle East. A LOT OF THEM. Painting a subject with one brush stroke is hypocrisy at it's finest especially when we're talking about the intolerance of Islamic fundamentalists. Not every human of arabic decent is evil, you know. You do know that right?

Tomorrow I will go see my little Paki boyfriend and make him explain to me why I should allow him to be on my planet.

I hope you don't really think like this because *NEWSFLASH* it's not your planet and we are not members of race clubs because of the dice roll of our heritage. The human race is individulistic, and each member of the human race should be accorded an individual judgement on their actions and not that of their skin colour, religion or background. ONLY THEIR ACTIONS.

It annoys me because this hateful speech and broad misfiring of anger is what these fucking Muslim fundamentalists are doing to begin with.


Can I have Ops?
I apologise for your reaction in this thread. Not for any of the words that were said - just your reaction


Forever Empress E
Mentalist said:
You may have missed the irony boat as well, you know.
Oh, I haven't missed the irony boat at all. Pointing and laughing at their missing the irony isn't going to change the fact they are murdering bastards.

There has to some logical progression when one gets sick and tired of the bullshit in this world. While I agree that the West has no reason to be on the back-pedal or playing the apologist game, out-and-out rasicm irks me. There are children in the Middle East. A LOT OF THEM. Painting a subject with one brush stroke is hypocrisy at it's finest especially when we're talking about the intolerance of Islamic fundamentalists. Not every human of arabic decent is evil, you know. You do know that right?
Yes, there are children in the Middle East with the majority of those killed, killed by their own kind. And, while it may be true that not every person from the middle east is an evil person, they are not out en masse condemning these "radical islamists." They aren't telling their sons and daughters, "Don't strap a bomb to yourself and go out and kill people who do not adhere to our religion."

I hope you don't really think like this because *NEWSFLASH* it's not your planet and we are not members of race clubs because of the dice roll of our heritage. The human race is individulistic, and each member of the human race should be accorded an individual judgement on their actions and not that of their skin colour, religion or background. ONLY THEIR ACTIONS.
Yes, it is my planet. As much as it is theirs. It wasn't me who told them to convert to my religion or I'd kill them or make them pay a head tax to keep me from killing them. And while you may believe it isn't a dice roll of our heritage, they certainly do believe they have the only true religion and anyone who doesn't suck up to it should be murdered - tortured and head chopped off, body dragged through the street and burned. That kind of thing doesn't happen in a vacuum.

It annoys me because this hateful speech and broad misfiring of anger is what these fucking Muslim fundamentalists are doing to begin with.
Let them reap what they sow then.


Forever Empress E
headvoid said:
I apologise for your reaction in this thread. Not for any of the words that were said - just your reaction
Whose reaction are you apologising for? And, why do you have the right to apologise for anybody else's reactions?


Staff member
eloisel said:
Oh, I haven't missed the irony boat at all. Pointing and laughing at their missing the irony isn't going to change the fact they are murdering bastards.

Yes, there are children in the Middle East with the majority of those killed, killed by their own kind. And, while it may be true that not every person from the middle east is an evil person, they are not out en masse condemning these "radical islamists." They aren't telling their sons and daughters, "Don't strap a bomb to yourself and go out and kill people who do not adhere to our religion."

Yes, it is my planet. As much as it is theirs. It wasn't me who told them to convert to my religion or I'd kill them or make them pay a head tax to keep me from killing them. And while you may believe it isn't a dice roll of our heritage, they certainly do believe they have the only true religion and anyone who doesn't suck up to it should be murdered - tortured and head chopped off, body dragged through the street and burned. That kind of thing doesn't happen in a vacuum.

Let them reap what they sow then.

Define "them"


Forever Empress E
Mentalist said:
Define "them"
"Al-Qaida in Iraq warned Pope Benedict XVI on Monday that its war against Christianity and the West will go on until Islam takes over the world, and Iran's supreme leader called for more protests over the pontiff's remarks on Islam."

"Protests broke out in South Asia and Indonesia, with angry Muslims saying Benedict's statement of regret a day earlier did not go far enough. In southern Iraq, demonstrators carrying black flags burned an effigy of the pope."

"Islamic leaders around the world issued more condemnations of the pope's comments, but some moderates in the Middle East appeared to be trying to put a damper on the outrage, fearing it could spiral into attacks on Christians in the region."

" 'You infidels and despots, we will continue our jihad and never stop until God avails us to chop your necks and raise the fluttering banner of monotheism, when God's rule is established governing all people and nations,' said the statement by the Mujahedeen Shura Council, an umbrella organization of Sunni Arab extremist groups in Iraq."

"Another Iraqi extremist group, Ansar al-Sunna, challenged 'sleeping Muslims' to prove their manhood by doing something other than 'issuing statements or holding demonstrations.' "


Forever Empress E
You know, that "brushing with a broad stroke" is a fine argument for civilized people who institute and follow things like the Geneva Convention and anti-discrimination laws. But, that isn't what we're dealing with here. Mentalist, you do realize that you are part of that "broad brush stroke" of "infidel" the radical facist muslim terrorist insurgents want to convert to Islam or have your neck chopped - DON'T YOU? While you worry about "them" being hated as a group rather than as individuals for specific actions, you do realize "they", as a group, would drag your body through the street, hang it and burn it because you are a westerner. "They" would celebrate and be overjoyed when an act of terrorism by the so called radical facist muslims murdered westerners in a broad brush stroke such as they did when those bastards crashed airliners into the Twin Towers and the Pentagon.

Don't know about you or anyone else, but, speaking for myself, I don't want to be muslim and I don't want to live under muslim rule. I don't want their freaking burkas and sharia law. I'm sick and tired of the world excusing their murder, their violence, their cruelty to women and human rights violations in general. They are not a religion of peace and their actions prove it. They are quick to condemn, protest, burn effigies, kill nuns, burn churches, set France on fire, bomb underground conveyance systems in London and Spain, crash planes into buildings in America, strap bombs to their young people and send them into markets in Israel and Iraq to kill everyone there - including children - and threaten wholesale slaughter when they are "offended" by cartoons and the Pope reading ancient texts that illustrate "they" have always been a religion of death to those who don't bow to their god. I am condemning and protesting their murderous hatred of westerners. Their actions offend me and their words piss me off.

If these "radical facist muslim terrorist insurgents" are a separate minority, then the vast majority of muslims need to rise up against them and quash them because from the outside here, looking in, there is no difference between them.


Can I have Ops?
Eloisel - I was referring to the Popes rather lame apology.

Take this as an example.

A group of Christians (say less than 1%) take it upon themselves to take the letter of the bible as absolute - with a strong lean towards the Old Testament.

These people believe:
1. An Eye for an Eye is a literal interpretation and begin vigilante methods such as killing people who have been in a car accident and caused death.
2. The believe that Christianity has a crusade against wealth (there are plenty of cues for this in the bible) and begin to re-distribute wealth by force - taking over property etc. This could be likened to a year zero approach a la Pol Pot.
3. They attack jews for killing the prophet.

So, these Christian fundamentalists - are they Christian? Is this an attack on Christianity or an attack on the world? Should all Christians be tarred with the same brush?

The problem with Islamic Fundamentalists is that they are attacking Islam and the Islamic community is struck dumb. The issue with Muslims is the lack of strong leadership condeming the hijacking of Islam. I accept that can be leveled at them, but broad brush "all muslims are bad" is not really a viable solution is it?


Staff member
eloisel said:
You know, that "brushing with a broad stroke" is a fine argument for civilized people who institute and follow things like the Geneva Convention and anti-discrimination laws. But, that isn't what we're dealing with here. Mentalist, you do realize that you are part of that "broad brush stroke" of "infidel" the radical facist muslim terrorist insurgents want to convert to Islam or have your neck chopped - DON'T YOU?

A minority of fundementalist psycho terrorists. Not every human of arabic decent.

While you worry about "them" being hated as a group rather than as individuals for specific actions, you do realize "they", as a group, would drag your body through the street, hang it and burn it because you are a westerner. "They" would celebrate and be overjoyed when an act of terrorism by the so called radical facist muslims murdered westerners in a broad brush stroke such as they did when those bastards crashed airliners into the Twin Towers and the Pentagon.

A minority of fundementalist psycho terrorists. Not every human of arabic decent.

Don't know about you or anyone else, but, speaking for myself, I don't want to be muslim and I don't want to live under muslim rule. I don't want their freaking burkas and sharia law. I'm sick and tired of the world excusing their murder, their violence, their cruelty to women and human rights violations in general. They are not a religion of peace and their actions prove it.

A minority of fundementalist psycho terrorists. Not every human of arabic decent.

They are quick to condemn, protest, burn effigies, kill nuns, burn churches, set France on fire, bomb underground conveyance systems in London and Spain, crash planes into buildings in America, strap bombs to their young people and send them into markets in Israel and Iraq to kill everyone there - including children - and threaten wholesale slaughter when they are "offended" by cartoons and the Pope reading ancient texts that illustrate "they" have always been a religion of death to those who don't bow to their god. I am condemning and protesting their murderous hatred of westerners. Their actions offend me and their words piss me off.

A minority of fundementalist psycho terrorists. Not every human of arabic decent.

If these "radical facist muslim terrorist insurgents" are a separate minority, then the vast majority of muslims need to rise up against them and quash them because from the outside here, looking in, there is no difference between them.

My Uncles work colleague who was also a friend of the family and at my cousins Christening was killed on the bus at Tavistock Square during the 7/7 bombings in London. The aftermath of that event left me angry and shaken but I didn't decide to hate all Muslims forever and ever because of it.

There are over a billion Muslims in the world. Some are murderous, evil, sadistic bastards. This minority warp the message of religion until it fits their own twisted hateful ideals. Some are humanitarians and environmentalists and trying to build an inclusive and peaceful world for all. There are well over a billion Christians in the world as well. Some are murderous, evil, sadistic bastards. This minority warp the message of religion until it fits their own twisted hateful ideals. Some are humanitarians and environmentalists and are trying to build an inclusive and peaceful world for all.

Your anger and passionate outcry against anything Muslim is illogical and based on emotional anger instead of reason, and therefore you cannot win such a debate with logic. You can go on about how much you hate and despise and deplore 'this' or 'that' but you will never be able to logically tell me or anyone else why every Muslim should be painted with the same brush. You cannot condemn a billion people because of a bunch of extremists. Most Muslims totally and utterly deplore terrorist action or violence of any kind.

As it happens Islam is a peaceful religion. And what's more the Qu' ran (I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that you have never really studied any of this) tells that women and men are of the same spirt and are equal. It is NOT Islam that is to be blamed for the Draconian laws of some Middle Eastern countries, it is the different cultures that surely do need to be improved in some countries. What you should do is study and broaden your horizons before turning to racism.

There is a little light reading.

And you also seem to make a point of saying that the Muslims are the only ones who commit such violence and atrocities. This is bullshit as well. Humanity has a sick and twisted element to it no matter the colour. You think someone is going to be more inclined to evil if they happen to be Muslim?

Look, Muslim extremists are not the voice of the Middle East. That's like interviewing the Grand Wizard of the KKK as a method of finding out what ALL Westerners are like.

I know it can be hard sometimes. Hell, I get angry when I read about another terrorist action or more extremists killing people over some comment the Pope made and it is scarily easy to just hate "them" all because of it. But life is a shade of grey, it's never that simple. It's insanity, and I value my ability to reason the world in a logical manner and keep it real instead of losing focus due to emotional anger and fury.


Can I have Ops?
With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.
Steven Weinberg


Staff member
Religion is often the means for people to find a reason, yes. Though it can also be argued that those who wish to find a reason will eventually find it no matter what. I have said nothing to the contary.

Captain Jack

New Member
Why the hell are countries like the United States holding back so much. We have the ability to completely wipe out Iraq, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Afghanistan, and all the other Islamic terrorist bastards, and still have plenty of weapons left over. Get that shit off our planet. Seriously. Bunch of angry bastards. "Muslims are peaceful people who follow a peaceful religion". Yeah, right. A peaceful religion doesn't call for war and death every two damn seconds.

Captain Jack

New Member
Mentalist said:

A minority of fundementalist psycho terrorists. Not every human of arabic decent.

More like a majority of fundementalist psycho terrorists. Not every human of arabic decent. Some of them are actually christians. Those few DON'T go around screaming "Death to America", or "Death to the Pope", or rioting, or calling for some damn jihad.