All Your Kids Are Belong to Us


New Member
Richard and Margie Cressy, homeschooling parents of four children who live in Glenn, New York, were assaulted and kidnapped by local tax-feeders for the supposed crime of educating their children at home without receiving the required benediction from the local high priest of the educrat cult.

That’s how this story should be reported. The court stenographers for Leviathan’s regional appendage described those events as follows:

“A Montgomery County couple has been arrested on child endangerment charges for failing to register their children with the school district as they were home-schooled, the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office said Monday.”

Under the pernicious doctrine of parens patriae, the default assumption is that children belong to the State. Under that scheme parents (whether biological or adopted) are granted the highly conditional privilege of feeding, housing, and otherwise caring for children unless and until the State claims them as its own.

In the story broadcast by WRGB, Albany’s ABC affiliate, the parents are treated as entirely incidental to the matter of educating their own offspring. The epicene newsreader exudes incredulous disapproval as he observes that the Cresys “failed to register” their children with the school district seven years ago.

“How was this allowed to happen? Who should be held accountable?” demands the anchorperson, handing the baton to a correspondent who asks the local education commissar if these children “fell through the cracks.” The “news” clip is entitled “Homeschooled or Forgotten?” — conveying the message that children who are raised, educated, and cared for by parents without the State’s blessing are neglected by definition.

In classic totalitarian police state fashion, the Cressys were arrested on the basis of an anonymous tip.

“So who should be held accountable?” the correspondent-cum-prosecutor asks an unidentified police officer near the end of the clip.

“Well, the parents,” replies the officer, a tax-feeder of ample carriage. “It’s not the school’s fault; the schools are doing the right thing trying to get the parents to file the proper paperwork, which they have now.”

The “law” requires that certain forms be filled out and disfigured with specific official signatures. No actual crime was committed here, of course, but like the Vogons who populate Douglas Adams’s neo-Swiftian sci-fi novels — an interstellar race of intellectually torpid, morbidly obese bureaucrats — the county mis-education establishment and its enforcers were willing to kill (if “necessary”) two parents and steal their children because the “necessary” paperwork hadn’t been filled out.



New Member
Cacophony: Ugh, do not get me started
That's kind of the point! Agree/disagree?


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
I would defy any state "official" in vermont to try to pull off that bullshit.

We're talking a couple of 30.06 rounds around 2am at the home of the perpetrators.


lkjewro23piqjur2oijkslfaw e
That's kind of the point! Agree/disagree?

Oh, I completely agree with everything you said, but what I meant is that I've become pretty opinionated as to just what the government should and should not be able to do, and this falls way into the should not area. I believe that the only time the government has a right to step in is if there is something going on that could be a danger to the individual (like a meth lab), other individuals in the family (like child abuse), or a danger to society in general (think crazy militia groups or neonazis). Other than that, they should probably just stay the fuck out of peoples lives and concern themselves with fixing roads and building schools and generally trying to better the country. But no, they concern themselves with petty shit like this. How much money do you think went into all this?

It's fucking ridiculous.


Grand Wizard of TK
LOL tax feeders?

The second link states.
Hoffman said the Cressys have since submitted a home-schooling curriculum, which he has approved.
I guess it was way to much hassle for them to bother doing this before.


lkjewro23piqjur2oijkslfaw e
Why should they have to in the first place? I don't have a problem with the public education system, but some people do. If they want to teach their kids in their own home, why should they have to justify that to anyone?

Honestly, even if people want to teach their kids absolutely nothing while home schooling them, that's pretty much their right. Public education is made available to everyone, but that doesn't mean they have to use it.


Grand Wizard of TK
*Note that we're already hacking at this over MSN.
Why should they have to in the first place? I don't have a problem with the public education system, but some people do. If they want to teach their kids in their own home, why should they have to justify that to anyone?
People cannot function in today's society without a basic level of education. The curriculum that homeschooling parents must submit is a check to ensure they meet that basic level of education.

Honestly, even if people want to teach their kids absolutely nothing while home schooling them, that's pretty much their right. Public education is made available to everyone, but that doesn't mean they have to use it.
Failing to educate children harms their ability to find work and live productive lives. That's why the government has a keen interest in seeing that children receive an education.

The Question

I dunno about militia groups being a danger to society constituting a problem because, increasingly, stories like this are becoming what "society" is all about.