
Is this real life?
Had that on in the background. I didn't think much of it to begin with, but by the end he was pretty endearing.



I want to smell dark matter
Is that the one where the bears kill him at the end?


Is this real life?
I'm not sure what the movie is, but this was a tv series that started on C4 the other day about a guy living alone with only a camera. I didn't catch where he was exactly, but it must've been a national park somewhere in North America.


I want to smell dark matter
Canada. I watched a bit of it. Quite interesting but I can't be bothered watching hand held camera stuff for long (seriously, I'm that bad.)
Is that the one where the bears kill him at the end?

No, but that documentary was FANTASTIC. They have recently started broadcasting "Grizzly Man Diaries" which is kind of fucked up but I am DVRing it. Like the documentary but kind of better in some ways because it doesn't obsess about his death so much.


I want to smell dark matter
Why did the bears turn on him?

FBI parte due

Folces Weard
Because he tried to break up a fight between two male grizzlies, I think.

Archibald Nixon

anti-life coach
No, but that documentary was FANTASTIC. They have recently started broadcasting "Grizzly Man Diaries" which is kind of fucked up but I am DVRing it. Like the documentary but kind of better in some ways because it doesn't obsess about his death so much.
It was very good but harrowing. I might not have been left with such an ill opinion of him if he hadn't gotten his girlfriend killed and eaten along with himself.


I want to smell dark matter
And really really tasty.

Archibald Nixon

anti-life coach
If I had 1/5 his passion & dedication, I'd have led a much more fullfilling life. That was his primary appeal. I've never seen anyone believe in what they were doing so wholeheartedly. It bordered on lunacy --hell, it crossed right over into lunacy at times-- but it was beautiful all the same.


Can I have Ops?
Alone in the Wild is a cool programme. I am gripped.

There was one quote from last night which made me laugh. He had been suffering hallucinations and wierd shit so he made a big decision.
I have decided to stop rationing myself and eat the food I have

Yes, I might have done that sometime BEFORE the hallucinations, depression and crying stuff.


Is this real life?
He seems a bit too nice to be alone in the wild. Or left alone anywhere, really.