Amandas B-Day is Coming Up!

Mommy Bridgette

New Member
Well, dear Troll Kingdom posters, my baby Amanda is going to have her birthday this weekend. I have invited a lot of my friends for it, got a birthday cake and even hired a clown!

She's been bugging me for months for a new Barbie and some Carebear stuff, so I got for her (shh..Don't tell her, I want it to be a suprise!). Jerome is even going to be there, which I am thrilled about.

Anyways, if there are any decent human beings on this forum, wish my baby a happy birthday. Please trash like Dork, psychos like jack, and apostate filth don't bother.


Shifty sumbitch
You do know that trolls eat babies, right?

And I'm surprised that slatterns are allowed to keep their children.

Mommy Bridgette

New Member
I feel sorry for you. You've been deceived and you listen to the word of a false prophet, liar, scam artist and apostate.

Shitty Dual

schroedinger's fat
Well, dear Troll Kingdom posters, my baby Amanda is going to have her birthday this weekend. I have invited a lot of my friends for it, got a birthday cake and even hired a clown!

She's been bugging me for months for a new Barbie and some Carebear stuff, so I got for her (shh..Don't tell her, I want it to be a suprise!). Jerome is even going to be there, which I am thrilled about.

Anyways, if there are any decent human beings on this forum, wish my baby a happy birthday. Please trash like Dork, psychos like jack, and apostate filth don't bother.




Shifty sumbitch
I feel sorry for you. You've been deceived and you listen to the word of a false prophet, liar, scam artist and apostate.

Mmm, I listen to the dictates of my own conscience. Why would I be posting here if I didn't?
You... well, if you'd like to continue to pour money into a collection plate, that's your call :bigass:

Mommy Bridgette

New Member
I got a question for you: Are you sure that burning in your bosom wasn't heartburn?

Oh yeah, I got one more question for you: How IS your holy underwear today?

Mommy Bridgette

New Member
Please don't write anything mean to my baby.

I know your Hellbound, but even sinners like you can show some kindness to a baby. I don't want her to come over and sit in my lap and point to the screen and say "Mommy, what is that man Bickendan writing?". How can I explain the blasphemy, heresy and evil of what you say.

Show at least a little concern for her. Shes 23 going on 2, just a baby for God's sakes!