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An Easy-going Discussion on Hell


New member
I'm sure I'm not alone when I admit that I've been told that I'm going to "hell." Some people seem intent on telling you what will happen to you once you're six-feet-under, and where you'll "be," aside from the obvious ("lifeless in a cold pit").

But they can't say much more than that. They waver on questions of heaven and hell, and they readily dismiss any apparent inconsistencies. (Such as, oh, let's see..."you're going to hell when you're dead!11"--'I see, but since I'm dead, wouldn't I tend to stay in one place...unless dragged about by living creatures...and why would this bother me?--I have no extant consciousness.') After such questions, they either begin to drool, or they begin jumping around and shouting "sinner!" over and over.

I've noticed a few religious types around here who *seem* to have an IQ higher than that of room temperature...although I'm probably mistaken.

So I hereby invite all religious loons at TK to a frank and calm discussion on Hell. Tell us what you think it will be like, and by all means back up your steadfast, obstinate beliefs with the cold hard facts, which are present everywhere in the Holy Bible, of course.

(Oh, and any personal or second-hand anecdotes would be appreciated.)

Duncelor said:
So I hereby invite all religious loons at TK to a frank and calm discussion on Hell.
Hell is the ultimate Tiki god, mosh pit, orgy fuck fest since the Bacchanalia.

Oh, and in Hell... EVERYBODY SWALLOWS.
There're more than a few people who believe that we all are, at this moment in hell.

Striving, but not achieving our fondest dreams and desired successes.

Look at it this way: You play the lottery every week, because the jackpots go up, and you see people in the news who've won: But do you actually know any person who's won a huge jackpot?


Food for thought.
Peter Octavian said:
There're more than a few people who believe that we all are, at this moment in hell.

Yeah, well, the same number still think the world's flat...

Striving, but not achieving our fondest dreams and desired successes.

Look at it this way: You play the lottery every week, because the jackpots go up, and you see people in the news who've won: But do you actually know any person who's won a huge jackpot?


Food for thought.

I haven't played any Lotto.

Anyway, most of our concepts of hell have nothing to do with any biblical sources regarding hell.

And why the fuck do these sheep fall for the notion that it's heaven or hell, one or the other? Unimaginative pussies. If there is a soul within us and if there's something after death, I'm not going to either place.

Fuck them both. Heaven's an elitist goody-goody club full of boring, God-knob-stroking wankers. And hell would be overcrowded. And too hot.

I think I'll travel the universe for a while, a couple centillion years, and when I'm done, bored...meh, I'll slip into a blackhole, back into the cosmic womb.
Dark_Temptation said:
Noticed Heaven and Hell starts with He? B)

omfgz!1 This must be where the two ends of the universe converge and exchange saliva....

Of course that's just in the English language.

In Russian, the words are more intriguing B)

Can't argue with that. Russian is just the coolest language.
The Viking idea of the afterlife is quite a bit different. You probably know the basics about Valhalla, but there are actually three distinct sections of the afterlife.

1. Valhalla, where those who die in battle are taken after the Valkyries "recruit" them from the battlefield. They practice for Ragnarok by day and pretty much party all night.

2. Hel. More of a mellow kinda place, where folks go who don't die in battle or braving danger for a noble cause -- but were still good people. They just sorta chill out and do what they enjoyed doing in life.

3. Niflhel. This is the one that sucks. Liars, thieves, cheats, used car salesmen, politicians -- this is their stop. No lake of fire, but they'd probably wish there was, because Niflhel is cold. Coooooold and dark. Now here's the worst part -- they can see Hel from here, but no matter what they do, it's always just over the next hill, they can never reach it. Ouch.

Then there's the (generic) Buddhist idea, which is similar to what Peter mentioned: Our earthly existence itself is Hell -- or, more accurately, Hell is the sum total of all the little desires we carry around in our heads from the day we're born 'til the day we die, and we keep right on being born and dying until we get past that.
I always like the Klingons' concept of Stovokor, myself. Kind of a combination of Japanese fuedal rites with Norse sensibities mixed in.

For an engaging and fun read, I suggest you guys check out John Kendrick Bangs' A Houseboat on the River Styx (1895) and it's sequel Pursuit of the Houseboat (1897).

Everyone is trying to get to the bar.
The name of the bar, the bar is called Heaven.
The band in Heaven plays my favorite song.
They play it once again, they play it all night long.

Heaven is a place where nothing ever happens.
Heaven is a place where nothing ever happens.

There is a party, everyone is there.
Everyone will leave at exactly the same time.
Its hard to imagine that nothing at all
could be so exciting, and so much fun.

Heaven is a place where nothing ever happens.
Heaven is a place where nothing ever happens.

When this kiss is over it will start again.
It will not be any different, it will be exactly
the same.
It's hard to imagine that nothing at all
could be so exciting, could be so much fun.

Heaven is a place where nothing every happens.
Heaven is a place where nothing every happens.
The Question said:
Then there's the (generic) Buddhist idea, which is similar to what Peter mentioned: Our earthly existence itself is Hell -- or, more accurately, Hell is the sum total of all the little desires we carry around in our heads from the day we're born 'til the day we die, and we keep right on being born and dying until we get past that.

I find in actuallity, this one is true.
Because i see it on a daily basis.
Quite literally here.
curiousa2z said:
I did not realise Houseboat on the River Styx had a sequel.

Remind me to tell you a story some time.

Also, look up Bangs' The Enchanted Typewriter (I found the entire text on-line) and Olympian Nights.

He's definitely one of my fave Victorian authors.
The Question said:
The Viking idea of the afterlife is quite a bit different. You probably know the basics about Valhalla, but there are actually three distinct sections of the afterlife.

1. Valhalla, where those who die in battle are taken after the Valkyries "recruit" them from the battlefield. They practice for Ragnarok by day and pretty much party all night.

2. Hel. More of a mellow kinda place, where folks go who don't die in battle or braving danger for a noble cause -- but were still good people. They just sorta chill out and do what they enjoyed doing in life.

3. Niflhel. This is the one that sucks. Liars, thieves, cheats, used car salesmen, politicians -- this is their stop. No lake of fire, but they'd probably wish there was, because Niflhel is cold. Coooooold and dark. Now here's the worst part -- they can see Hel from here, but no matter what they do, it's always just over the next hill, they can never reach it. Ouch.

Then there's the (generic) Buddhist idea, which is similar to what Peter mentioned: Our earthly existence itself is Hell -- or, more accurately, Hell is the sum total of all the little desires we carry around in our heads from the day we're born 'til the day we die, and we keep right on being born and dying until we get past that.

Very, very interesting stuff. You're not as ugly as you look.

I've misjudged you and I sincerely apologize.