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Another Wedding Today


Do you remember the last wedding post?

Today's wedding will be Catholic. I had a peach floral dress that was slated to be worn with a few alterations but it fell out of favor when I became lazy and didn't shop for shoes for it. This is my friend's wedding and I am very excited for him. He is honeymooning in Disney World, and I bought him units through the registry there. Some mini golf, some attraction photos, some underwater exploring, and something else I don't remember.

Last Saturday I was in MI for a wedding. I had a tea-length black panne dress with a conservative floral print, but the Saturday before that my friend helped me buy shoes. We found a decent pair but the heel is very high for me and since the heel is shiny and the rest of the shoe is not, she referred to it as a "stripper heel" and innappropriate for my boyfriend's sister's wedding. He insisted on the shoes once he got wind of the "stripper heel" comment.

The wedding was nice, and he taught me how to dance the night before so he could get me out on the dance floor. My calves and knees were very tired after the ten-hour stint. I could not remove the shoes because they were a little too big for me and I had to use mounting tape to tape myself in, and so I needed to stay in them the entire time.

The heels are 4.75 inches in length, excluding the sole. Not high to most of you but I never wear heels and it was very high for me.

OMFG will I be engaged by the end of this month 2009? This is my searchable wedding prediction.
Gonad said:
Do you remember the last wedding post?

Today's wedding will be Catholic. I had a peach floral dress that was slated to be worn with a few alterations but it fell out of favor when I became lazy and didn't shop for shoes for it. This is my friend's wedding and I am very excited for him. He is honeymooning in Disney World, and I bought him units through the registry there. Some mini golf, some attraction photos, some underwater exploring, and something else I don't remember.

Last Saturday I was in MI for a wedding. I had a tea-length black panne dress with a conservative floral print, but the Saturday before that my friend helped me buy shoes. We found a decent pair but the heel is very high for me and since the heel is shiny and the rest of the shoe is not, she referred to it as a "stripper heel" and innappropriate for my boyfriend's sister's wedding. He insisted on the shoes once he got wind of the "stripper heel" comment.

The wedding was nice, and he taught me how to dance the night before so he could get me out on the dance floor. My calves and knees were very tired after the ten-hour stint. I could not remove the shoes because they were a little too big for me and I had to use mounting tape to tape myself in, and so I needed to stay in them the entire time.

The heels are 4.75 inches in length, excluding the sole. Not high to most of you but I never wear heels and it was very high for me.

OMFG will I be engaged by the end of this month 2009? This is my searchable wedding prediction.

This was an awesome story. I like your posts.
The wedding was fine. Bride was beautiful, groom was handsome. Everybody seemed happy. I got to see a few old classmates including one who I think would have liked to fuck me after the wedding, but that wasn't going to happen; I brought the not-so-imaginary boyfriend with me to the wedding. Another classmate who hadn't seen me since 1999 said "Gonad! You're exactly the same! Everyone else looks different except you!" Kind of a nice compliment, that's the way it was intended. If I look exactly the same now as I did in high school then HOW COME I COULDN'T GET A BOYFRIEND OR FUCK BUDDY TO SAVE MY LIFE, HUH? HUH? IF I WAS SO GODDAMN ATTRACTIVE THEN, WHY WASN'T I COOL ENOUGH TO SIT WITH THE "MAGIC" TABLE AT LUNCH, HUH? YEAH, I BET YOU WANT TO FUCK ME NOW BUT WHERE WERE YOU IN HIGH SCHOOL WHEN I WAS AVAILABLE FOR SEX WITHOUT EMOTIONAL ATTACHMENT OR SPEAKING, YOU GODDAMN PIECES OF SHIT WELL NOW YOU'RE LEARNING BECAUSE YOU CAN ONLY GET USED CRUNCHY HAGS AND YOU HAVE TO PRETEND THEY'RE ME I SPIT ON YOUR LONELY LIVES, MAYBE SOME DAY I'LL BE SINGLE AND FEEL LIKE FUCKING BUT HOPEFULLY THERE WILL BE SOMEONE AROUND OTHER THAN YOU, OTHERWISE i'LL JUST TAKE WHAT I WANT SEXUALLTY AND THEN GRAB THE LAMP OR ALARM AND BASH YOUR FUCKING HEADS IN. THEN I'LL TAKE WHAT I WANT MATERIALLY AND ONLY YOUR FAMILY WILL CRY OVER YOU BECAUSE YOU'RE OH SO ALONE.