Anyone here enjoy "Teabagging"


Unluckiest Charm in the Box
I find it to be a bit painful, but my "better half" seems to enjoy it. It apears that shes finally found a way to get her revenge against me for my somewhat overpassionate bedtime behavior.

Even though she doesnt think so, she has a PERFECT pair of breasts. On a scale from 1 to 10, to me she has an 11+. Only thing, is that she has extremely sensitive nipples and is somewhat squeemish about having them sucked. Each time I've done it, she always crunches her shoulders together which I find to be a real turn on :)

Now, during oral, she has found that my balls are every bit as senstitive as her nipples are, and she has decided to fight fire with fire. Now I am the one that crunches up while shes having her fun, which seems to really get her aroused.

"Teabagging" as she calls it, has proven to be her ultimate form of revenge. :eek:


Sinless and Purrfect
That's untrue. Dirk is of voting age. That rules him out as one of MM's potential sex partners.


Unluckiest Charm in the Box
I thought starguard was gay. aren't you gay?

No I am NOT gay dammit..but heres a letter being read out loud from some wolfbang bitch that thought I was :D

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Only problem was.. Goddamn Sea Hag accidentally sent it to the wrong person :eek: