Anyone remember Pastor Bill Scott?

Colonel Kira's Left Tit

Bearded Belly of Bajor

That guy.

Submitted for your perusal: This thing here Scroll down to Chapter 2. :)

February 1st, 1996 ZJAM Youth Ministries was born. I had a small desk and
phone in my spare bedroom. I was not sure what the ministry would be called or
what kind of ministry we would do for kids. The Lord told me to take a step of
faith and walk away from my full-time job. The journey was amazing and perhaps
the hardest thing I have done in my life. With no money and no donors, Debbie
and I began to walk by faith building this global ministry for teens. We began by
sending out a daily Bible study through email. You have to realize that nine years
ago most people did not have a computer in their home nor was everyone was
connected to the Internet. Most adults did not understand what we were doing by
sending a daily Bible study through email. We have sent over fifty million Bible
studies through email over the last nine years to students in sixty countries around
the world. The second thing we began was our radio outreach ministry. We are
currently on two hundred thirty-five radio outlets throughout the United States,
Canada, Central America and Europe. We are now broadcasting on the Internet
twenty-four hours a day seven days a week to kids in two hundred twenty countries
around the world. The Lord then placed on our hearts to begin a mentorship
program for kids. Mentorship is something that we have lost in today’s culture and
we felt that God wanted us to bring it back, at least within our ministry. Today we
have twenty-five young adults at any one time living on our campus. We have
students from America, Canada and soon Central America coming to spend one,
two and even three years at our ministry being mentored so they can reach their
generation for Christ. Students have left our campus to be missionaries, pastors and
youth pastors; it has been awesome to watch. Because of the Internet, God has
given us the chance to reach kids on a global basis, fulfilling the vision that He
gave us nine years ago. My heart is to help youth pastors and the kids in their
youth groups to be healthy, to know who they are in Christ and to win their
communities with the Good News. Debbie and I love kids. ZJAM Youth
Ministries is something that we hope to do for the rest of our lives. God is having
us reach teenagers daily around the world with the Good News of Jesus Christ and
is now having us build the largest mentorship campus that we have ever seen in
North America.
In the fall of 2006, Bill Scott was forced to resign by the Board of Directors for
undisclosed reasons. With this move, Revolution Generation Youth Ministries (still
called ZJAM Youth Ministries at the time) lost not only its founder and president but its
primary fundraiser. At this point organizational leaders discussed the possibility of
closing down the ministry due to the financial crisis.

Let the speculation begin. :)


Oh I remember that snake, posting FBI agents name and phone number all over (I still have agent XXX's number by the way and.. well nevermind) I also remember that forum, they had a room for cutters and when kids would feel suicidal, they were told "We will pray for you". My fondest wish is that he share a cell with Bubba the Love sponge for about 50 years. A very small cell. I know it's bad karma to wish ill on anyone, but if anyone deserves it, it's Bill Scott.



Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Can't believe Decker hasn't posted in 4 1/2 years. WHITHER CAPTAIN DECKER?