Anyother troll forums?

FBI parte due

Folces Weard
Rephrase that question in English and I might consider helping you.


I run a DS (dark starlings) troll forum here:

but you have to make an account there and be 18+ to enter troll alley.

Main focus is lulz but we have plenty ghey drama faggotree for all you assholes that get off to that too.

I came here basically to see what's going on in this neck of the interbutts and hoping to find some lulz.

The Dork Lord

Whipping Boy

I don't know if that's an actual site, but please feel free to take it as practical advice. ;)


now you've gone and hurt my emo feelings.

ima go write about it in my livejournal.


klokwerkaos said:
I run a DS (dark starlings) troll forum here:

but you have to make an account there and be 18+ to enter troll alley.

Main focus is lulz but we have plenty ghey drama faggotree for all you assholes that get off to that too.

I came here basically to see what's going on in this neck of the interbutts and hoping to find some lulz.

Goodmorning dear.... would you like some fresh banana bread?



The Legendary Troll Kingdom
She uses my banana, so you KNOW it's good ;)

bad dog

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klokwerkaos said:
I run a DS (dark starlings) troll forum here:

but you have to make an account there and be 18+ to enter troll alley.

Main focus is lulz but we have plenty ghey drama faggotree for all you assholes that get off to that too.

I came here basically to see what's going on in this neck of the interbutts and hoping to find some lulz.

General Rules:

1. Insulting, verbally attacking or otherwise berating an author in reply *to* a simple, non-agressive introduction post is grounds for immediate suspension from the forums. There will be a zero tolerence policy in this regard. This forum can have the effect of inviting people into the community and helping us to grow. If just a few individuals decide to be abusive, it can just as easily be used to strangle the community and prevent it from growing. Therefore, random and unnecessary insults in this section will be seen as deliberate attempts to damage and disrupt the operation of this community and will be treated as such.

2. Staying on Topic: In general, the topic of an introduction post should be about the author, about those who are here to greet the author and about the community in general. Just socializing with and getting to know new members here is the idea, so no strict topics are enforced. However, please be kind and considerate, don't run away with someone's introduction post by going into a personal conversation with friends that excludes the author (this is something that commonly happens in introduction forums and I'd like to see less of it here!). If you have something else you'd like to discuss with other people, start another thread. Try to keep the author involved in their introduction thread, that is the whole purpose.

3. Rules of Engagement: This forum should be a neutral, peaceful place. If someone posts an inflamatory introduction (such as going on an insulting rant about the people in this community or posting obviously objectionable material for the purpose of annoying or aggrivating people) the response should be to notify a forum moderator so that it can be taken care of properly. On the other hand, if people reply negatively to a clearly inflamatory "introduction" post, we shouldn't be too suprised or worry about it too much.

You fucking cornholer , get the fuck out of here you fucking cunt!



bad dog said:
You fucking cornholer , get the fuck out of here you fucking cunt!


This certainly follows TOS.

By the way? are you trying to tell me a dedicated trolling site is modded?

that would be lulzy.


New Member



bad dog said:
Thats the rules from your faggoty ass troll site, absolutely pathetic.

yes, some troll sites do have mods. has some good moderators who will move a porn post from the general area to the porn area just to keep the general area work safe for guest.

You dont know much about troll sites do you?.... Dumbfucker.

oh, now I get you...

the site has rules for main forums but I have total domain over my private group. Even the site owner doesn't fuss about it because there is enough of us there to make a pain in the ass of ourselves, and it works good for them too because then they don't really have to mod the main threads beause all the vile trolls have their own little playground.

we do have a rule of no child porn and no copypasta spam x1000 posts (those just get deleted though), but besides that it's free game.

Titty threads, shit sex, making emus cry to mommy, it's all good. we're a resiliant bunch.

opening gags usually send n00bs to 2 girls 1 cup to start them off on the rightous path.

hope that clears things up.