Are there any really popular bands that you just don't get?

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
I had this discussion with a friend of mine, who happens to be a HUGE Dave Matthews fan. Me, I can't stand that hippy-dippy jam-band shit. To me, it sounds like musical masturbation. On the other hand, I was explaing to my buddy how I was getting back into Metallica, and his response was, "Ugh. You used to listed to that shit in high school. It's all just noise."

So, here are two super-successful bands, each of whom have sold a gazillion records, that provoke intense feelings of love or hate. It got me thinking, there are quite a few successful acts that I just can't stand (or can't understand):

Pink Floyd
Dave Matthews Band
Jimmy Buffett
The Grateful Dead

Those are just off the top of my head. Music seems to be about the most subjective form of mass-media entertainment out there (we'll leave fine art off the table). Are there any bands or artists out there that baffle you with their success? Like you're thinking, "Who in the hell is buying their album?"
Aerosmith-I think I "liked" them for like 5 minutes, but I never "like" liked them. Even their Guitar Hero game sucks.
There's lots of popular music that I don't get. I don't know the names of the bands though, I have a shitty memory.
Pink Floyd
Dave Matthews Band
Jimmy Buffett
The Grateful Dead

Those are just off the top of my head. Music seems to be about the most subjective form of mass-media entertainment out there (we'll leave fine art off the table). Are there any bands or artists out there that baffle you with their success? Like you're thinking, "Who in the hell is buying their album?"

Defo pink floyd every1 is always banging on at me bout them and i dont think there fuck alllll!
^^Too many drugs @Grateful Dead concerts, right? I know you were one a them half-dressed hippie chicks followin' them around, right?
ok, well half the time i have no idea what you're saying, but i never wanna tell u that because it'll seem racist against the English race.
lol.. I think there are only 1 or 2 Dead songs I like. I DON'T REMEMBER WHAT THEY ARE, obviously.

I hate popular country music. It's not even country music! WTF? It's pop with a twang and a fiddle.

I hate live rap, well tbh I hate most rap but if you're riding down the road and having a good time some really loud rap is fun.

I hate most pop music. Srsly. The shit everyone loves, I usually can't stand.

Hiphop? ICK

Speed metal? How the fuck can anyone listen to that shit?
I can't stand Lady GaGa, either. LG looooves her music. I think it's pretty awful.

Fuck you Metallica HOMO! You're so gay for them. Plus, it's not like you ever, ever, EVERRRRR let me listen to what IIIIIIII want to listen to even in my own goddamn car...You're gay for Leo LaPort THE Tech Guy too!

So here are the my choices:

METALLICA (it's just noise)
Jonas Brothers
And yes, I'm going to say it, crucify me if you will...
The Beatles and anything by John Lennon.