Are you trying to piss me off?

Love Child

One Love
Na, I don't think you are.
But sometimes it feels like a game.
It feels like you dangle the carrot in front of the horse,
wrong analagy, of course the horse is going to walk forward.
You don't know what you do. You just do it. No reason.
And for me to read anything more into it-would just be stupid.
Na, I don't think you are.
But sometimes it feels like a game.
It feels like you dangle the carrot in front of the horse,
wrong analagy, of course the horse is going to walk forward.
You don't know what you do. You just do it. No reason.
And for me to read anything more into it-would just be stupid.

You know, Life is a Game...
In order to survive in this game, you must be a good player
You must learn to either play this game well, or be expelled
In this game, there are just two rules:

Rule#1) You Must not Lose

Rule#2) There must be no exceptions to Rule#1

You must either win, or die trying. Those should be your only two options!
You can always refuse to play. However, if you do decide not to play, don't be surprised when it becomes glaringly obvious that those who are playing are having a whole lot more fun.
Oh I know how to play the game. Its best when there is no game, just mutual satisfaction. I guess to make it interesting though one has to get up and the other has to chase around like a dumb ass and vice versa. Until both decide not to pursue, then its over.
LC, yes I am trying to piss you off, but I'm not doing a very good job of it.