I've got a bullet for you
Not because they're criminals per se, just because they're annoying little shits and you hate 'em.
Here's my example:
His name's Dennis Bailey. He's a small, bitter, heartless, soulless liberal deviant monger who thinks our society needs more "openness."
What he means is we need to just let everyone be "swell" and "okay" with everyone else. "Hey there homosexual deviant, who eats the shit of his partner and has his partner eat his own shit, who talks about being a shit-eating deviant in nice, living room terms like 'alternative lifestyle' and 'sexual preference,' you go ahead and continue to force-fuck your agenda down the throats of good, hard-working, decent, red-blooded Americans. Go ahead and continue to warp the minds of school children with your sick and unnatural ways. And by golly, you're so great for doing it!"
That's what this bald asshole wants. I say fuck him, and fuck those like him. I'm not a bigot, a racist, or even a homophobe (before all you victimized pussies flood out of the woodwork to label me as such) but I do have universal, natural values. Men and women belong together. The parts fit. Killing is wrong, especially if it's killing the defenseless, like the elderly and the unborn.
Unlike Telly here, I have values, and don't have to hawk a shitty book on Amazon to prove it.
This cat's the first one I'm gunning for. In future installments, I'll explore how truly awful and pathetic Mark Millar and Rich Johnston are.
Here's my example:

His name's Dennis Bailey. He's a small, bitter, heartless, soulless liberal deviant monger who thinks our society needs more "openness."
What he means is we need to just let everyone be "swell" and "okay" with everyone else. "Hey there homosexual deviant, who eats the shit of his partner and has his partner eat his own shit, who talks about being a shit-eating deviant in nice, living room terms like 'alternative lifestyle' and 'sexual preference,' you go ahead and continue to force-fuck your agenda down the throats of good, hard-working, decent, red-blooded Americans. Go ahead and continue to warp the minds of school children with your sick and unnatural ways. And by golly, you're so great for doing it!"
That's what this bald asshole wants. I say fuck him, and fuck those like him. I'm not a bigot, a racist, or even a homophobe (before all you victimized pussies flood out of the woodwork to label me as such) but I do have universal, natural values. Men and women belong together. The parts fit. Killing is wrong, especially if it's killing the defenseless, like the elderly and the unborn.
Unlike Telly here, I have values, and don't have to hawk a shitty book on Amazon to prove it.
This cat's the first one I'm gunning for. In future installments, I'll explore how truly awful and pathetic Mark Millar and Rich Johnston are.