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Attention: All Pussy Lickers of Badistan


on a break from forums
I've heard that certain fruits make girls cum taste sweeter. What fruits are best? Is this also true for guys cum? What fruits should I eat to make mine better? Thanks

Banana's supposedly make a mans cum taste sweet. Women just naturally taste good as long as they have good personal hygiene.
Avoid garlic. I remember having a conversation about this somewhere, I'll get back to you. Also-just eating more fruits and veggies helps.
Banana's supposedly make a mans cum taste sweet. Women just naturally taste good as long as they have good personal hygiene.

This, most of the time. Though some women can still be a little off if they eat a lot of bitter foods.
So whatever my GF has been eating makes her cum taste SUPER SWEET!!! OMG it was amazing!!! I couldn't get enough of it today!! This morning was beautiful!!!
I don't care about the pussy hummus seemingly has a psychopathic need to transmit to the world he gets. You and the rest of the world get laid, hummus. It's nothing overly special, although I beginning to think in your case it just might be.

As for you Funkwit, how's divorce treating you? Met any nice women lately? No? I'm not surprised. Maybe you can share with hummus, he seems to want to share everything else about his girlfriend....
It all fits now. He won't shut up because he's overcompensating for not actually having got his end anyway, like a 14 year old bragging to his classmates.