Troll Kingdom

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New member really pissed me off getting yet another death threat so early in the day, it really grated on my last nerve. So I decided to go to a friend who is more powerful than any of your people. This is what I told my friend........let's call him G-d............

Me: I got on this message board a long time ago that was run by a person who was laundering money, extorting stuff, conspiracy and racketeering. He or she works for the IRS, she decided I should be made a criminal so she summonsed some of her powerful compooter friends to forge criminal charges on me, ruin my life and keep ruining. When that didn't work, she commissioned bad men to try to murder me by carbon monoxide poisoning and severing my head on the garage door. When that didn't work, she recruited more people to come up with more murder plots for the future. They seem to be multiplying like cockroaches and they might end up succeeding if you don't do something. See.............they don't know I have a more powerful connection than them.

God: *waves his hand dismissively* Do not fret because of the evil cockroaches at TrollKingdom. You did the right thing by coming to me!! In a little while........they will be no more. When you look for them......they will not be found! *then he smiled at me at about a nice rainbow to cheer you up??*

Me: Kewl!! Thanks!! I knew you would come through for me!

God: *laughing at wicked TrollKingdom cockroaches* Their day is coming!!! Trust me on this, it will be sooner than you think. I see them plotting, I know what they are planning!

Me: Well...........they spew their arrogant words, boasting they can crush the little people like me. When that doesn't work, they try to gas me. They tell me I will be silenced by death for taking a stand against their evilness.

God: I will repay them for their sins, I am going to destroy them for their wickedness. I am going to destroy them for trying to silence you.

Me: Ok, thanks God. *Gives him a big HUG*

God: Don't miss your prayer class like you were thinking about doing.

Me: How did you know??????

^^talk about your losers!! I wonder if they know the "Head" guy is a pedophile?? Oh yeah............I know more about those people than I care to know, they are also on the Top 10 list of sites I am bringing to the attention of every FEDERAL agency. All of the people on that board need to be is the main reason I have stayed away from it.