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Attn: Jillian/Belladonita/Rov_is_a_fag

^^It's good to know a duplicitous NIGGER is finally exposed for the fraud he is. I never dreamed DarthSikle would be such a fucking scumbag.......the person I trusted. He ranks up there with The fucking Dirtbag Cripple, The Question, Dawn (the jury may be out on her yet because she is going to squeal), Jennifer, bad his fake heart attack didn't kill him..........the next one will.
I tested DarthSikle when I went up to Ft. Hood and texted him "Damn, Ft. Hood is HUGE!!!!".............The Cripple was ready for me. I'm not finished yet.........I sent the report to JAG. I will be making another visit.
*salutes* ............good to see you too. Everything is working out quite nicely, goes to show you how persistence can pay off.
It will be interesting to see how they all explain this one now that I have connected the dots. I have always thought BOB was one of the good guys, that changes in the revised report I will be doing a mass mail out on tomorrow. Now I can go to the D.A. here in Austin and start hauling these bastards in. I will get my jury now.