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ATTN: MissManners


New member
Come down here if you dare and answer this question. Everyone seems to think you are so good and wonderful and everything but I have always had my doubts about you. You know why?? First and foremost you justify the reason I am in DayCare is because I threatened legal action against your website. After everything you and your ilk has done you dare lead your members to believe you aren't part of the corruption, malfeasance, official misconduct???
Tell me this.....................why did you delete posts, alter threads after your board was taken down by corrupt officials on 8/5/05??? I printed the thread, I can prove it. Why did you alter the thread TKers-are-shit started when he "outed" TheQuestion for the pompous asshole he is??? I copied that thread before you had a chance to alter it. Get off your sanctimounious high-horse and take responsibility for what happened here.

There have been a lot of corrupt feds on this board..............they will lead you to think otherwise because they wouldn't want their own incompetence to be exposed. None of them lifted a finger to help when everything was going down on this board. Corrupt CIA, corrupt IRS, corrupt FBI, corrupt Secret Service, corrupt high-ranking military officials to name a few.

I bet all of you are sitting on your NO TALENT asses wondering why the American people have NO faith in you anymore. It is because we have lost confidence in your ability to do the right thing. It is as simple as that.
Cry all you want try to make me out to be the crazy one when in FACT your incompetence will show how crazy you are in the end.

It will also show how incompetent you are. Consider yourselves.............TROLLED.
Let's not forget how these people support the President, Alberto Gonzales, the FBI, CIA, NSA .........they support warrantless eavesdropping, wire-tapping on the American people.

The Terrorists and Criminals are too smart for them so they target innocent Americans now.
You do realise that Mentalist only posts that way because Sarek blackmails him, and threatens his real-life security, don't you?

As a victim yourself, I'm sure you'd find common ground with Mentalist.
^OK, thanks for that Gagh. Now Sarek is really on my shit list. Make no mistake I will bust him out for the Dirty, Corrupt asshole he is.

These guys thought nothing of ruining me, they thought they would get away with it. I am going to ruin them in the end. Make no mistake about it. I have solid PROOF of their illegal activities, I know their real names.........I have always been terrible at guessing who their duals are. I have solid PROVE of two dirty, corrupt feds on this board. My bet is Sarek is one of them.