Troll Kingdom

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Hi Lilith.

Cait and The Question. Look at their response to Who is FederalAgent007. What do they have to hide?? Why do they want me in Daycare??

What will happen when they are "outed"? I got a 12 person jury who is gonna hear all about them. They are DIRTY FUCKING ASSHOLES. You missed the thread where a troll outed The Question.

I cannot believe our federal agencies allow this TRASH to do what they have done. I am going to take them down.

with the help of a 12 person JURY.
SBV isn't a dual, dumbass. I've known him before we knew there was a Troll Kingdom. Either you're a clever boy pretending to be what you aren't, or you have absolutely no fucking clue. Either way, The thrill is gone. See ya.
If I were the owners of this board, I would sue the federal agencies who allowed these assholes to take over the board (they don't have full control anymore), destroy personal property, commit illegal activities.

I own the bastards. I set a trap, put cheese on the trap and they took it. They got a lot of money................$200-275K. They have done everything in their power........including threatening that I don't expose the filth.

Lilith said:
You should have come to SW yourself then. Good times!
I did, then The Question (after pretending to be me) told the admin I was under the age of 18.

*hands TQ a shovel*

Keep digging BOY the hole needs to be a little bigger.
Lilith said:
I am curious as to exactly what crimes were commited.
No crimes were committed. They created them. Shows you the corruption in our government agencies.

Problem is.............they didn't count on a woman who is much more cunning than they could ever hope to bust their asses wide open. We have some DIRTY Feds on this board. I have contacted all their agencies. I don't get denials.

I get silence.
SSgt_Sniper said:
SBV isn't a dual, dumbass. I've known him before we knew there was a Troll Kingdom. Either you're a clever boy pretending to be what you aren't, or you have absolutely no fucking clue. Either way, The thrill is gone. See ya.

Here is a clue:

Two boys on this board are going to serve time if I have my way.
Bah. I didn't tell anyone a thing about you, you dimwitted crackhead. I just showed them a tiny approximation of what you're like, and when they discovered the genuine horrible article really was in their midst, they exercised good sense.

And by the way, GuFe, did you know that it's a federal offense to impersonate a federal agent?