Awkward Ferris Wheel Moment


I love you
Seattle has a new Ferris Wheel. You can read about it here.

What you probably will not read about is the bitch who takes a ride with her pussy boyfriend and wants to make out the whole time, because there is no where else better to make out than on a Ferris Wheel, in front of people.

I wonder who will be the first "Ferris Wheel Proposal" or the "First Marriage on top of the Ferris Wheel?"



I love you
I really really want to see the Ferris Wheel. Then I want to ride on the Ferris wheel, I want to see how far I can see across the water and in the city. Freaking cool. Can't wait. I want to ride it in the morning, watch the sun come up, in the evening, at night.


I love you
We get in line
my friend is slightly afraid of heights
he manages ok
I point out this chick
who is wearing a really low cut dress
plus she is just a piece of work
a chick
the loud kind


I love you
not to mention the fish net stockings
(in which I will never forget his hand upon her thigh)
her shoes tied around her ankle, yes those kind
all of her jewelry
and accessories
and really really big handbag


I love you
but then there is this really good looking couple ahead of us. She is in a dress too. He is well dressed, they are really really cute and sweet.
Then a couple behind us, seems they are on a first date or something.


I love you
We get closer to the front of the line and realize each car holds 6 or is it 8? anyway, we are going to be riding with someone in this crowd, if not by ourselves.


I love you
Anyway the bitch is in line, she is smoking a cigarette and when she finishes she sprays herself with perfume.


I love you
It is finally our turn to board. They ask, "How many" and it appears we will have our own car. Fucking sweet.
And then it happens.
"Two and Two?"
"Car number 29 please"

What. Wait. Aw dammit. We won't be alone. But hey! We get to be with hot slutty girl and her boy toy who hasn't said a word the whole time in line. (she talks a lot)

But wait, they are not as amused. She puts up a fuss and makes it known she wants her very own car. Fuck her! The guy tells her if she wants to get back in line she can, but she would have to wait. HA HA HA HA
So I think ok, she will be ok, it will be ok


I love you
We get in the car and hope for "Well that sucks" "but hey my name is Carmen and this is my boyfriend Adam" or some shit like that.

Instead she says, "We should be able to get a car by ourselves if we paid for it" and she pouts. Fucking horny bitch.

So my guy friend says, "Tell you what" to her, "We'll take turns, you turn your head for 5 seconds and then we'll turn our head for 5 seconds" or something like that. I am laughing. She says, "Oh we'll need more than 5 seconds" Bitch.
Anyway the conversation goes on for a second and my guy friend just decides to kiss me and make out with me to get over this pain and awkwardness because we would really rather tell the bitch to shut up.


I love you
Then they start making out and you would think this girl (myself) would find this really hot. (Ok when she moaned it was slightly hot) but it was really really awkward. WTF?!

I saw his hand slide up her dress and she was fucking moaning and moaning. LOL my guy friend and I were just sort of kissing and making out, but nothing major, just pretending and having fun.

Then I think she came and stopped. I was thinking she was being selfish then my guy friend said he saw her hand in his pants or something too. I DON"T FUCKING KNOW!


Yep, so glad I got to ride on a Ferris wheel.


I want to smell dark matter
THey just do that to laugh at you.