Back to the Future 25th Anniversary Love-In Thread


Over the last couple of months I've been dropping the odd Youtube vid of Dr Emmett Brown into some threads in homage to one of my all time fave movies which celebrates its 25th year this year. Cassie made mention of it in another thread, and Loktar reposted the ONE POINT TWENTY-ONE GIGAWATTS! vid.

I was 8 when I was taken to see this movie, loved it, colllected the Panini sticker collection, and have loved every minute of that move ever since. From Christopher Lloyd's awesome performance (let's face it - he's awesome in everything), to so many memorable moments, I owe this movie a huge debt for the repeated viewings and joy it still brings to this day.

Post your BTTF love-in posts here!


Boobie inspector
I like the first and third films a lot better than the 2nd.

The sight of the steam powered locomotive time machine taking to the sky at the end of 3 is the highlight for me.


I want to smell dark matter
I like how they do the same things in each different time period. Like with the skateboard/hoverboard and Biff falling in manure and...other stuff like that. You know what I mean.

I remember when I first saw BTFF 2 being told that I wouldn't understand it. BUT I DID.


Only the first one matters. The other two are fun popcorn movies. All the true quality is in the first.


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
It's when my strange obsession with Crispin Glover began.