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bad dog


New member
English is your second language, isn't it? You don't have a first. You should offer your posting style to hospital operating theatres as a highly-effective alternative to unconsciousness-inducing medications.

If your brain matter was axle grease, there wouldn't be enough in your head to grease the dynamo on a lightening bug's ass. Why is it that the people with the smallest minds always have the biggest mouths? Have you ever noticed that whenever you sit behind a keyboard, some idiot starts typing? How true is Stanislaw J. Lec's famous remark: "Every now and then you meet someone whose ignorance is encyclopedic."

You have that certain nothing. Truly, you are about as interesting as watching a slug move slowly across a large rock. Do yourself and everyone else a favor: take a fatal overdose of your medication. Maybe you wouldn't read like such a pathetic loser if you weren't an 'idiot savant' without the 'savant' part; if your weren't so fat that when you stand on the weighing scale, it reads: "Sorry, we don't weigh livestock.", or if you didn't have a face that makes people ask: "Damn, is it Halloween already?" No, come to think of it, you would.

In future, if you have something to say, just shut up.
Wow, dedicate a thread to Bad Dog.
Ultros said:
English is your second language, isn't it? You don't have a first. You should offer your posting style to hospital operating theatres as a highly-effective alternative to unconsciousness-inducing medications.

If your brain matter was axle grease, there wouldn't be enough in your head to grease the dynamo on a lightening bug's ass. Why is it that the people with the smallest minds always have the biggest mouths? Have you ever noticed that whenever you sit behind a keyboard, some idiot starts typing? How true is Stanislaw J. Lec's famous remark: "Every now and then you meet someone whose ignorance is encyclopedic."

You have that certain nothing. Truly, you are about as interesting as watching a slug move slowly across a large rock. Do yourself and everyone else a favor: take a fatal overdose of your medication. Maybe you wouldn't read like such a pathetic loser if you weren't an 'idiot savant' without the 'savant' part; if your weren't so fat that when you stand on the weighing scale, it reads: "Sorry, we don't weigh livestock.", or if you didn't have a face that makes people ask: "Damn, is it Halloween already?" No, come to think of it, you would.

In future, if you have something to say, just shut up.

Interesting. A complete spastic moron like yourself who is in here 24/7 is calling BAD DOG a loser. Now that is funny. I mean HILARIOUS!! Look at yourself before creating posts like the one above. I have visited this site and TROLL VALHALLA with BAD DOG not being there. I am sorry to say I have NEVER visited TROLL KINGDOM and not seen you here. NOT EVER. Do you know the odds of this happening? Zero. There can be only ONE explanation. You are here EVERY SINGLE MINUTE OF YOUR PATHETIC LIFE. You know it and I know it. Everyone else in TROLL KINGDOM knows it too.
bad dog said:
Ultros said:
blah blah blah blah blahQUOTE]

fuck you punk.
I see that you are fluent in Gibbering Moronese. Unfortunately, I'm not. You generate more waffle than the waffle making machine in a waffle factory. Just as the strength of a solitary brick will not save a poorly built structure, your bold typeface does not redeem your craven incoherent words.

When I want your monkey-brained opinion I'll rattle your cage, okay? It's truly amazing the way you never let an idea interrupt the flow of your typing, but then, making sense isn't your area of expertise, is it? Anyway, who was talking to you or even taking you under consideration? Oh well, as the late Douglas Adams said: "You live and learn. At any rate, you live."

You light up a room when you leave it. No doubt your life is so dull, that you can actually write your diary one week in advance. Genius does what it must, talent does what it can, and you had best do what you're told, you dyslexic lobotomy patient. Maybe you wouldn't come across as such a jellyfish-sucking mental midget if you weren't intellectually outclassed by dead sheep; if your weren't so fat that your cereal bowl has its own lifeguard, or if your face wasn't the strongest form of natural contraception available. Who am I kidding? You would.

In closing, why don't you put your glasses on backwards and walk into yourself?
see I dont do big wordy post, I dont do meth like you. sweating, grinding your teeth typing like a madman.

get a life dumbfuck.
Ultros said:
bad dog said:
I see that you are fluent in Gibbering Moronese. Unfortunately, I'm not. You generate more waffle than the waffle making machine in a waffle factory. Just as the strength of a solitary brick will not save a poorly built structure, your bold typeface does not redeem your craven incoherent words.

When I want your monkey-brained opinion I'll rattle your cage, okay? It's truly amazing the way you never let an idea interrupt the flow of your typing, but then, making sense isn't your area of expertise, is it? Anyway, who was talking to you or even taking you under consideration? Oh well, as the late Douglas Adams said: "You live and learn. At any rate, you live."

You light up a room when you leave it. No doubt your life is so dull, that you can actually write your diary one week in advance. Genius does what it must, talent does what it can, and you had best do what you're told, you dyslexic lobotomy patient. Maybe you wouldn't come across as such a jellyfish-sucking mental midget if you weren't intellectually outclassed by dead sheep; if your weren't so fat that your cereal bowl has its own lifeguard, or if your face wasn't the strongest form of natural contraception available. Who am I kidding? You would.

In closing, why don't you put your glasses on backwards and walk into yourself?

Dyslexic lobotomy patient = oxymoron.

I wonder which site you pulled all of that from? Oopsy. Here we go. I found it. Fucker is so stupid and unoriginal he steals from others:

Review the above site BAD DOG and tell me what you see. *ROTFLMAO* This guy is just too fucking stupid. I can read him like a book. Oh wait! He IS a book since he plagiarises!
bad dog said:
see I dont do big wordy post, I dont do meth like you. sweating, grinding your teeth typing like a madman.

get a life dumbfuck.

If that post was intended as a joke, you forgot to include the punch line. Looking at you, Darwin would NOT be pleased to see how inefficiently evolution sometimes works. Maybe you wouldn't read like such a pathetic loser if didn't lack even the dim flicker of sentience needed to qualify as a imbecile; if your weren't so fat that when you run, you make the CD player skip at the radio station, or if you didn't have a face that is registered as a biological weapon. Who am I kidding? You would.

Now, if you care to apologize for wasting my shamefully wasted time, I'll consider accepting it.
Ultros said:
If that post was intended as a joke, you forgot to include the punch line. Looking at you, Darwin would NOT be pleased to see how inefficiently evolution sometimes works. Maybe you wouldn't read like such a pathetic loser if didn't lack even the dim flicker of sentience needed to qualify as a imbecile; if your weren't so fat that when you run, you make the CD player skip at the radio station, or if you didn't have a face that is registered as a biological weapon. Who am I kidding? You would.

Now, if you care to apologize for wasting my shamefully wasted time, I'll consider accepting it.

Oooh. Found those words too. Please oh please think up something of your own. I can do it too.

Congratulations! You have just proved the theory that there is no limit to human stupidity. You should offer your posting style to hospital operating theatres as a highly-effective alternative to unconsciousness-inducing medications.

If your brain matter was axle grease, there wouldn't be enough in your head to grease the dynamo on a lightening bug's ass. Are you always this ignorant, or are you making a special effort today? Well, you're certainly thoughtless; I just wish that you were keyboard-less, too. As Robert Wilensky said: "We've all heard that a million monkeys banging on a million typewriters will eventually reproduce the entire works of Shakespeare. Now, thanks to the Internet, we know this is not true."

You light up a room when you leave it. No doubt your life is so dull, that you can actually write your diary one week in advance. Is there anything I need to know about you other than your a grungy social outcast? Maybe you wouldn't come across as such a jellyfish-sucking mental midget if you didn't eat all those paint chips and lead pencils when you were a kid; if your weren't so fat that your local 'All-You-Can-Eat' buffet had to install speed bumps, or if you didn't have a face that makes people ask: "Damn, is it Halloween already?" Who am I kidding? You would.

In conclusion, sit down and shut up before trip over your own tongue and hurt yourself.
hate from - good for a 12 year old - Anonymous

ur so hidious u went to get plastic surgory done, but the doctor had to be blind folded so he was not distracted by ur ugly freak face. He looked at it after and said he made a hell of a improvement even though he did a fuck up of it... but even after ur surgory a bulldog chewing a wasp would turn its nose up in disgust due to the eye burning features u call a face! - good for a 12 year old - good for a 12 year old

Christ on a stick! I made you my bitch yet again!