Shouldn't it be made by a badlander?
omar declaer jihad on apoustaet louktare and alle insourektiounizts agaynst lawful gouvernment ouf badistan !
-emir omar
Who will win? Dual vs Love child.
Translation please.
should the spamstitution be permanently deleted froever, to never be brought up again except to laugh about how stupid it was?
:behindsofa:Aeommai, what is thishpquestion:
What say you Premier Dual IIhpquestion: If you want it to stay, then it shall stay.
Dual II is black Baptist preacher between 65 & 75 years old and a community organizer and university professor. Teaching philosophy & religion courses. We should all trust his judgementhpexclaim:
Dual II is the aficionado of the Badlands ruleshpexclaim:
Loktar, thou art a traitor, and I banish you from the ranks of the DLP, for all of time. Let thine cursed name be anathema to all who breathe the air of the great Republic of he Badlands for all of time.