Ballsack's sexual procilivities


New Member
Snotspill = Zodiac = Chatacranny
<Snotspill> Complete with GigaAIDS
<rm> picked it up from her time in africa or something
<markb> Adapt, here charlie rose is on pbs channel 13
<rm> but, whatever, right? lobsters are just giant cockroaches anyway.
*** NAHTMMM has joined #wordforge
<MrsAlbert> hi NAOG:OS!
<MrsAlbert> :mrsa:
*** TKO has quit (Quit: TKO)
<NAHTMMM> :mrsa:
<Nick_Walczak> this is a damn good smoothie
<Snotspill> Pour it on your head?
<Adaptation> Hi NAHTMMM!
<Nick_Walczak> no its perfectly good going in my mouth
<NAHTMMM> That would be a saint good smoothie then
<Snotspill> I bet you tell that to all the chat guys =)
<rm> !
<Nick_Walczak> yeah, i seriously love the cock
<Nick_Walczak> mmmm mmmm penis
<Snotspill> What?
<Nick_Walczak> christ you're retarded
<Snotspill> I'm talking about a smoothy. Sick!
* MrsAlbert perks up
<MrsAlbert> penis?
<MrsAlbert> hmmm?
<rm> !
<BearTM> Here's an interesting command in the handbook...
<raoul> that get your attention, mrs a?
* NAHTMMM isn't sure where the retardation lies ;)
<MrsAlbert> aye :D


New Member
purple rain?
<Snotspill> I've started a thread in your honor at TK, Nick.
<Nick_Walczak> super
<Nick_Walczak> don't care
<raoul> no, not purple. just a big brownish space cloud. apparently there was G's visage in it at some point.
<Nick_Walczak> TK ranks at 0 on my list of interesting thigns
<NAHTMMM> That high?'
<raoul> what ranks at 10?
<Snotspill> "Ballsack's sexual proclivities"
<Snotspill> If your interested, which you don't seem to be.
<Nick_Walczak> is it a thread about how even though i only have sex once every couple months, its still more often than you?
<Nick_Walczak> because that would be a fucking hilarious thread
<Snotspill> Scathing.

FBI parte due

Folces Weard
Go to your local grocery store. There will be a man there, in a vest. Do not speak to the blue vests, talk directly to the red. Ask for the Holder of the Brocolli. The man in the red vest will stare blankly, then point silently in the vague direction of an aisle marked "Produce".


New Member
I remember after I mentioned the thread title, the room when silent for a moment. Hehehehe.