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Banksy (possibly) comments on Jade Goody

I think I probably did mean "shit" because every opinion I have I take from someone else and Charlie Brooker hates Banksy and he's a frequent source for my opinions, but lied because I also respect Fuddlemiff a lot and he's an actual artist so probably knows what he's talking about and I tried to weigh these two conflicting opinions in my head like a robot suffering from a Three Lawas confliction and decide which opinion to take but in the end went for an enigmatic "I'm not necessarily saying he's shit" as I couldn't come to a conclusion.
You can tell from that article how far we've come as a civilisation since 2006 because CDs and Paris Hilton have been phased out.
I pay a monthly subscription to the Oxford University Press and they send me opinions they have collected from nice middle class white people who work in the education sector.
Yes but when you get into the comments section of the Charlie Brooker article there's the suggestion that it's actually a parody and he's ACTUALLY criticising the people who hold that view of Banksy and they're the REAL idiots and it's so subversive that whatever opinon you hold you're an idiot so I think I'll just go with random smileys instead of opinions.:smfafro:
I still buy CDs and rip them myself because (unless it's a brand new release) they are cheaper than buying albums digital, and the digital versions are usually ripped from a CD anyway, and at a bit rate lower than I prefer. Plus HELLO A CD IS SOMETHING YOU CAN PHYSICALLY OWN AND NOT HAVE SUDDEN"Y DIAPPEAR SOMEDAY BECAUE THE RIAA DECIDES IT WOULD BE FUN TO GET EVEN MORE NAZI ON YOUR BABY LAMB WITH MINT JELLY ASS.

Just woke up. :)