Troll Kingdom

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beer, I want beer
Ah well. So much for that. Seems I cannot stay on a site for more than one day. I give up. I have even TRIED to stay on a site without being banned. Seems impossible. What to do? At this rate I shall be banned from every single site there is on this planet. *gasp* I just had a nightmare!! In this nightmare, I was the only person on planet earth incapable of getting online at all simply because EVERYONE banned me!!! OMMFG!!

I see I am still banned even here. Ah well. Toodles, chip chip cheerio and all that. Simple. As long as I am 'banned' to DC, I will simply take my business elsewhere. Have fun children.
Damn I am almost insulted. I perpetrate the greatest troll of all time yet I see no accolades. No women tossing their panties in my direction. Wait. Let me get this straight. I trolled you all so badly you took it SERIOUSLY??? *ROTFLMAO then chalks up another victory for me*. I demand a shrine be created inmy honour. In fact, a forum devoted strictly to me would suffice. You all know I out-Jillianed the bitch herself. I was like the Japanese taking American cars and improving upon them. I took Jillian's style and improved upon it. Proof I am the greatest of all trolls.

Fuck. I was banned from yet ANOTHER site!! Holy shit!! I guess insulting the OWNER of the site was not exactly a great idea but the motherfucker was telling me I could not post in red. The fucking site has the very same controls this one days and I was posting everywhere in red. He told me only Admins and Mods may do this. I told him to take my hard RED cock an stuff it up his asshole after which I would expect him to suck the shit off my cock. BAM! Talk about a fast ban. Sheeeiitttt! I have never taken shit from an Admin or a Mod and I am not about to start. I have told more Admins off than the number of times you people fucked your mommas.
FederalAgent007 said:
^It is pretty pathetic that he tries to imitate me, act like me, talk like me........but he just ain't me.

I'm the real Shady.

Must suck to be you since I BETTERED your own trolling system. I took it, pulled it apart and analysed improvements that could be made. I made those improvements and completed the best troll this site has ever seen. I had people shitting their pants.

Just as I suspected would happen, those very same 'victims' have been running around denying anything ever happened. As I have done something like this before I recognised panic when I saw it. The usual tactic of the defeated, much like an asshole who gets his head kicked in although he denies it ever happened. *ROTFLMAO*

Anyway, I was banned from two more sites last night. On one site, I went on a complete rampage - tearing the site apart from limb to limb. I freaked out the Admin who did not like my use of language. I had considered using another weapon but I felt they would have seen it immediately since they had been learning how to watch out for specific trolls. The Admin was informed it was SaintLucifer who was on the troll yet again - but under another name. They recognised the incredible talent involved with angering an entire board. That's all it took. ONE person to have me banned. He needed only to say 'that's SaintLucifer under another nic! Ban him immediately!' The Admin shit his pants so much he banned banned banned my ass. Usually one only gets informed via e-mail that one has been banned. I was the first to get one that said not only was my username banned, but the entire account was wiped - as if it never existed!! *ROTFLMAO* Fuck but I am a GOD!!! I have no peer on this earth!!

TROLL KINGDOM is the only remaining site I am capable of visiting. I have been banned from the SCI-FI site 5 times. I just keep getting around their bans! I swear, someone should dedicate an entire forum to me. I was banned from WORDFORGE 2 times. I have yet to get into Exisle. I am certain someone from here warned them about me because they never activated my account.

My fame spreads before me!! I will be known throughout the internet as the GREATEST TROLL OF ALL TIME WHO WAS NOT A TROLL!! One little trolling experiment in here and I took this entire site apart!!

Messenger said:
It only goes to show what a child Luci is when it comes to trolling.

Still smarting from me trolling your ass completely aren't you? *ROTFLMAO* I mean that MUST have really hurt!! Damn! I even made you threaten me physically! When you did that I fell out of my chair just killing myself laughing. My stomach muscles are STILL sore from laughing so hard that night. You were just sooooooo cute. "Don't ever let me catch you in person or I'll smash your face in!" Oh fuck but that was rich!! At least I never threatened you personally for physically. I only warned of dire consequences. That would not constitute a threat. That would be a WARNING. I made you my bitch. Live with it. You can go all over TK and DENY DENY DENY, but it happened. Now bend over and take it like the faggot you are. *unzips my fly, whips out my schlong and heads towards the dumbass*
Still smarting from me trolling your ass completely aren't you?
You don't even know how to troll. All you can do is be as vulgar as possible. This whole 'bored now, moving on' nonsense is just you showing how much you lack imagination and skill in actually trollery.

In short, it's you running out of ideas, people growing numb to you, and you running off like a scared little Canadian chicken.
Messenger said:
You don't even know how to troll. All you can do is be as vulgar as possible. This whole 'bored now, moving on' nonsense is just you showing how much you lack imagination and skill in actually trollery.

In short, it's you running out of ideas, people growing numb to you, and you running off like a scared little Canadian chicken.

I am 'scared' now is it?? *ROTFLMAO* Pray tell what is it I am afraid of?? I had completed a superb troll in an attempt to get banned simply because I wanted to force myself to check out the other sites I had not been visiting. Over the past 3 days I have gotten myself banned from every single one of those sites. I was just too much for them just as I was too much for this site.

It is high time I let the 'junior-grade' trolls strut their stuff here. No doubt this includes you. I felt it was time to give you a chance. You required opponents of 'equal' *ROTFLMAO* 'talents' to say the least. I grew weary of trolling everyone out of their skulls.

The amazing thing is the fact you and the others fell for a troll I was attempting to try on RWC. He saw it a mile away. Kudos to him for that. I kept attempting to bait him but he would have no part of it. I baited you and TAMAR like the bitches you were and you know it. You can scream, pull your hair and deny all you want. You claim I was afraid. Of what exactly? I am here aren't I? Dumbass. I guarantee RWC knows exactly what I was up to with him. You did not have a clue. You walked right into it. That hook still in your mouth? You should have been tipped off when LILITH posted 'That was low, even for you' to me. I expected it to end right there and have someone call me on my attempt. I get the distinct feeling RWC was uncertain but he believed I was up to something. Suddenly, after a certain post even HE fell right into line behind you after I read one of his posts. I was killing myself laughing. The one who refused to be baited allowed himself to be baited, but ONLY when you and the others had falled for the same trick. That way he covers his ass. I could tell you the specifics but I suspect you already know them. Now get to bending over for me bitch.

*sigh* No more sites want me. Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! I have been banned from more sites than there are sites. Damn. I even get banned without even trying. I just amaze even me. Ah well. Moving on...

P.S. *ROTFLMAO @ 'actually trollery'* That is soooooo cute. That part about me running out of ideas does have some merit though. I felt there was no way I could top that troll. There cannot be any way to top it. In a word, it is IMPOSSIBLE to top.
Trolling Skills

Here is another example of my incredible trolling skills (even though I am NOT a troll). I FORCED TIFF, SHY and LILITH to post their pictures by calling them liars and telling them the pictures they had were not real. You bitches at TK owe me a dinner for this most excellent troll. I do this at EVERY SITE. It is a simple but useful tactic. When you get bored with a bitch's current picture and wish she would become 'looser', simply force them to post a better one with claims their pictures are not real. This tactic is quite possibly the oldest tactic on the internet. Proof follows:

Now eat shit and die my lessers. I also discovered both TIFF and I were wrong. It WAS me who was the first to call her 'fat'. Most interesting. I had forgotten about that particular post.
Too long, didn't read.

Now seriously, Luci, we're bored of you at TK. You know fewer tricks than my dog does. At least when he begs for attention, he knows to sit up and act cute.

You on the other hand... :/
SaintLucifer said:
Ah well. So much for that. Seems I cannot stay on a site for more than one day. I give up. I have even TRIED to stay on a site without being banned. Seems impossible. What to do? At this rate I shall be banned from every single site there is on this planet. *gasp* I just had a nightmare!! In this nightmare, I was the only person on planet earth incapable of getting online at all simply because EVERYONE banned me!!! OMMFG!!

I see I am still banned even here. Ah well. Toodles, chip chip cheerio and all that. Simple. As long as I am 'banned' to DC, I will simply take my business elsewhere. Have fun children.

Someone's feeling a lack of attention.

Who are you talking to when you try and show off on the intraweb with your mind numbingly insipid posting, Luci?
SaintLucifer said:
Oh, look at me, I'm teh bestest troll in teh WHOLE WORLD!!!111 I will PWN ever site I go to by talking about how AWESOME I am. Evereyone will bow down before my COMPLETE BULLSHIT, because talking about myself and all my "accomplishments" is AWESOME!!!!!1111!
