Barry Falsename added 20 friends, do you know any of them?


Boobie inspector
Oh nice one facebook, start showing people who other people are adding as friends.

Guess I wont be adding Betty Big tits any time soon.


Retired Account
that's not new, ur has done that years.

FBI parte due

Folces Weard
Why even bother being on Facebook if not to masturbate to Betty Big Tits?


Is this real life?
Presumably it only does that with people who have their friends list public, so it's no different from someone deciding to look through your list of their own accord.


Boobie inspector
True, but this saves you the trouble of trawling through your friends friends list.

Its like a stalker ap.


I want to smell dark matter
Obviously it's time for everyone to delete their facebooks and go back to posting anonymously online AND IF THAT MEANS more cyber-bullying then SO BE IT.


Un Banned
What or WHO is Facebook:phpquestion: Some obscure now abstract & long forgotten once prolific TK poster from ages past:phpquestion:



I want to smell dark matter
Yeah he used to post here with MySpace and Bebo. They always talked about someone named "FourSquare" too but fuck knows who that was.