battlenet servers... Diablo2


OK, so I've been trying to level up some necros on the west coast server and noticed it was REALLY laggy, to the point of being nearly impossible to play. Then I noticed east coast server was acting the same. Is this happening to anyone else or should I be looking at my computer?



Let's fuck some shit up
Check the Blizzard sites to see. I'm sure if you dig enough there's still forums dedicated to this. Also, I know that there was a program for D2 that helped you ping your pc to the server to see if that's the problem.

Are you running uploads/downloads at the same time?
Are you using wifi?
What's your bandwidth?


Shifty sumbitch
I should dust off my Druid. D2's fun in bursts.


Check the Blizzard sites to see. I'm sure if you dig enough there's still forums dedicated to this. Also, I know that there was a program for D2 that helped you ping your pc to the server to see if that's the problem.

Are you running uploads/downloads at the same time?
Are you using wifi?
What's your bandwidth?

I've been using wireless on D2 since last october. And no I'm not uploading/downloading. How do I know what my bandwidth is?



Let's fuck some shit up
Go here for a good speed test.
Pick a server you want to ping and wait for the results.

This is my result for philly to nyc.
Download Speed: 10107 kbps (1263.4 KB/sec transfer rate)
Upload Speed: 4118 kbps (514.8 KB/sec transfer rate)

As for wifi, if they've added any microwave emitters in your area or you're using a microwave too closely to the wifi device, it could interfere. A safe bet is just to keep the router one room away from the kitchen.

Our microwave is in between my roommate's room and the router. Any time I go to nuke something he gets booted from his game. Made him lose an all time best score one night and he nearly killed me.
OK, so I've been trying to level up some necros on the west coast server and noticed it was REALLY laggy, to the point of being nearly impossible to play. Then I noticed east coast server was acting the same. Is this happening to anyone else or should I be looking at my computer?


Miss Manners, are you getting hot and wet for Diablo 3?


Miss Manners, are you getting hot and wet for Diablo 3?

Oh gawd YES!!! :D

OK, I went back through the history and ran some scans and seems mom has been checking out some sports book sites and clicked something she shouldnt and picked up some spyware.

Everything is running much faster.



Let's fuck some shit up
Of course, there's always the "my mom is a gambler and picks up viruses on booking sites" problem. Glad I could help.


She enters a free contest her smalltown newspaper sponsors, picking winners in 10 college games. She won $10 last year and I guess she wants an edge this year.



Let's fuck some shit up
Does she like to ride midnight trains going aaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnyyyyyyyyyyyyyyywwwhere?


Factional Warfare
You never got around to telling me if you were interested in coming and hanging out with us and shooting the shit on our vent while we play Diablo.