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Catherine Tate turned up at the end in a wedding dress as the debris of the Pegasus rained down over New Caprica and the audience were crying and sobbing and asking what the fuck was going on as they fought through their tears.
It was a fantastic episode, probably the best BSG ep so far. The fx were totally snazzy, and Dee looked hot.
I did notice that Sharon wasn't in it much. We saw her once and she was mentioned at the beginning, but we don't know how or even if she got back to the fleet.
And I could not be happier.. I am sick of Sharon/Boomer, not because I have anything against the character, but I really can't stand the fans of Sharon. They drive me nuts, with all their omg Sharon is so great she's saved the fleet so many times I can't believe they took her baby omg Roslin should burn in hell for that. Sharon sharon sharon oh yeah and Helo is a hero makes me want to puke or punch somebody either really or both. Sharon and Helo forever and ever lets make every episode about them because there aren't any other characters that matter and omg Cally is a bitch for shooting Sharon she's a living breathing being and Cally should die die die.