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Bea is worse than Hitler.


Staff member
There. I said it.


So I was up until 4am watching her antics last night (BECAUSE IT WAS THAT IMPORTANT.)

First was her telling Charlie that she moved in with a stranger she'd met on myspace (funny how last week she was saying the internet is "evil") and had only known for a month, because she had to get away from her home town because "everyone there hates me." None of this came as a surprise.

Then she started slagging off Freddie in front of Marcus. Marcus, in a very reasonable calm way, pointed out how unfair she was being and how it was wrong and, yes, NEGATIVE of her to do all this and gave her lots of examples of her negative behaviour. Did Bea take all this good advice in and thank Marcus for trying to help?

No, she pretended to cry and ran to the Diary Room, saying she was going to tell Big Brother that Marcus was bullying her.
I'm glad you stayed up and watched it all because it felt very heavily edited tonight. It wasn't in Bea's favour, I just think they had too much to cram in, so it was hard to follow what the argument was about. And her total over reaction didn't help. Freddie was also fucking annoying, of course. I hate it when he gets in one of those venomous rages of his. BUT I'M NOT BEING NEGATIVE I'M JUST SAYING WHAT I THINK.
Yeah, I just think we should... y'know and stuff you know... it's liiike... *mumble* *mumble* *trails off* Yeah, that's all I'm sayin really, y'know?
I stayed up and watched the Live Feed. I was worried they would somehow twist it to make Marcus look bad on the Highlights but considering the time constraints it wasn't too bad.

She is a fucking nutcase and Marcus is a fucking Legend. The show ends for me tonight.