Benedict and Lauren nominated for eviction


I want to smell dark matter
It's all over Facebook!

So Benedict will go. I'm surprised Deana wasn't up, but she'll probably be up with Lauren next week, then they'll target Lydia (unless she targets them first!) and all the cunts will be in the final being cunts.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
There are several worse people who should be up, but I wouldn't miss either of these two if they went either. So I'm not that broken up.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Yeah, the worst thing is for all the fake Mean Girls to stay together and just keep picking off all the interesting people out of jealousy.


Is this real life?
After tonight I definitely want Benedict to stay and definitely expect him to be evicted. Typical!

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
I want them both to go, but I find Benedict's humorless pompousness about masturbation annoying. It was novel at first but he's a knowledge-spewing know-it-all robot with little social awareness, which is ironic.


I want to smell dark matter
The studio audience on BOTS went "aww" when Lauren's nomination was announced so at least they have morals or something.


I want to smell dark matter


Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Everyone looks better when they're on the block. It's humbling. (Well not for Benedict, but for anyone else)


I want to smell dark matter
He has no upper lip.