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The Dork Lord

Whipping Boy
A script co-writen by Neil Gaimen, directed by Robert Zemeckis, all star cast including Angelina Jolie, Anthony Hopkins, John Malkovich, and Crispen Glover, and top notch CGI...


It's nice that Angelina Jolie is playing Grendel's mother, considering how much she looks like an inhuman monster these days.
I want to go see this, but I can't decide if I should go see it in digital 3D or just on the regular screen.

Someone make the decision for me. I'm not feeling very decisive today.

I, for one, am actually looking forward to seeing this moive. I have not made any time for myself, unfortunately, to go out and see this movie, however, I do plan for it in my list of things-to-do.

I just need to know, how is this movie. Is their anybody here, aside from The Dork Lord of course, that is willing to give an unbiased evaluation of this movie as I am, suprisingly, intrigued.
Shit sucked, the first 17 minutes were Beowulf's CG ass. The rest was pure streaming shit. The only plus was dragons, but of course they fucked that up. They're not the cool dragons that completely rape shit, the cheap dragons that end up dying. Like Wagner from Odin's Sphere. Or the Divine Dragon from The Legend of Dragoon.

Moral of the story; books are gay so people shouldn't make movies based off of them.
Almighty_Hen said:
Moral of the story; books are gay so people shouldn't make movies based off of them.
My good friend, I think your homophobia of books, while interesting to say the least, could possibly be the work of your inability to read any piece of literature that does not consist, for your entertainment, pop-up pictures.
Elnidfse said:
My good friend, I think your homophobia of books, while interesting to say the least, could possibly be the work of your inability to read any piece of literature that does not consist, for your entertainment, pop-up pictures.
Homophobia of books?

Don't you mean phobia?

I agree. The CGI was a bit much and the voice acting was over-the-top. As far as a Norse fantasy is concerned, yes, it's fairly ok. But, I just wasn't entirely impressed.

I'd give it a 5/10
all of you have messed up in the most possible way.....this movie was made for and was meant to be seen while one was under the influence of acid or shrooms......come on babies lets rock!!!!.......;)