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Best Nicknames in the huge Mafia bust


Can I have Ops?
20. VINCENT AULISI, also known as "The Vet"

19. GIOVANNI VELLA, also known as "John Vella," "Mousey" and "Little John"

18. STEPHEN DEPIRO, also known as "Beach"

17. ANTHONY CAVEZZA, also known as "Tony Bagels"

16. JOHN BRANCACCIO, also known as"Johnny Bandana"

15. ANTHINO RUSSO, also known as "Hootie"

14. FRANK BELLANTONI, also known as "Meatball"

13. CHRISTOPHER REYNOLDS, also known as "Burger"

12. VINCENZO FROGIERO, also known as "Vinny Carwash"

11. JOSEPH CARNA, also known as "Junior Lollipops"

10. DENNIS DELUCIA, also known as "Fat Dennis," "Little Dennis" and "the Beard"

9. LUIGI MANOCCHIO, also known as "Baby Shacks," "The Old Man," and "the Professor"

8. ANTHONY DURSO, also known as "Baby Fat Larry" and "BFL"

7. GIUSEPPE DESTEFANO, also known as "Pooch"

6. JOHN AZZARELLI, also known as "Johnny Cash"

5. ANDREW RUSSO, also known as "Mush"

4. VINCENT FEBBRARO, also known as "Jimmy Gooch"

3. BENJAMIN CASTELLAZZO, also known as "Benji," "The Claw" and "the Fang"

2. ANTHONY LICATA, also known as "Cheeks," "Anthony Firehawk," "Anthony Nighthawk," "Nighthawk" and "Firehawk"

1. JOHN HARTMANN, also known as "Lumpy," "Fatty" and "Fats"

Choose your favourite!

Mine are "Tony Bagels" - How does he kill his victims?

Junior Lollipops! I have a picture of him being a lot of fun on a night out, until late on in the evening he removes his lollipop to reveal a hidden beretta and "Pops a cap" at me.

Vinny Carwash - What?
Johnny Cash, who knew the Mafia could be punny?

Junior Lollipops probably gets spat on.

The Claw... a laughing stock within the Mafia community as his every plot is foiled by Inspector Gadget.
Don't mess with the henchmen of "the Claw"

He's probably good at picking up three eyed aliens though.

You just know Cheeks made up the other cool sounding names himself and noone else went for them.
If only I had typed a little bit faster!

I think we should all make up new nicknames for them all.
20. VINCENT AULISI, also known as "Captain Jack Harkness”
19. GIOVANNI VELLA, also known as "Aston Villa”
18. STEPHEN DEPIRO, also known as "Holby City”
17. ANTHONY CAVEZZA, also known as "Big Ben”
16. JOHN BRANCACCIO, also known as"Left Falange”
15. ANTHINO RUSSO, also known as "Rene”
14. FRANK BELLANTONI, also known as "Bellend"
13. CHRISTOPHER REYNOLDS, also known as "#@$£"
12. VINCENZO FROGIERO, also known as "Kermit"
11. JOSEPH CARNA, also known as "Technicolour"
10. DENNIS DELUCIA, also known as "Douchbag"
9. LUIGI MANOCCHIO, also known as "Labtec PC speaker"
8. ANTHONY DURSO, also known as "C3PO"
7. GIUSEPPE DESTEFANO, also known as "Scrappy Doo"
6. JOHN AZZARELLI, also known as "Desmond Tutu"
5. ANDREW RUSSO, also known as "Are you talking to me"
4. VINCENT FEBBRARO, also known as "Nee nee nee nee nee"
3. BENJAMIN CASTELLAZZO, also known as "Freebie and the Bean"
2. ANTHONY LICATA, also known as "Sideshow Mel"
1. JOHN HARTMANN, also known as "Doug McClure"
I like that DENNIS DELUCIA is known as both "Fat Dennis" and "Little Dennis". One of them must be ironic, but which one!