Troll Kingdom

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I don't dislike you. I just take offense at being told what to post, and where, as you seem to believe you have the authority to do so with me, and some others around here.

That is all.
BG has the right to tell you aorta anyone how to post.nnm You have the right to do wahtevery you want.
I don't like cheese very much. It means that BG has every right to tell you how to post. And in turn you have every right to disagree and bug him. Just like .............<delete> I'm getting too wierd this morning. Maybe I'll just go watch movies like I did last Sunday.
Well of course he does. I was trying to explain why I reacted the way I did, in order to possibly stop a rift forming, and from him ruining threads in multiple forums trolling me for little to no reason.
Ok, Gagh the mediator :D That is very noble of you.

I'm not being sarcastic, but I think I come off that way. My bad.
Well, I've finally taken the MineField off of Ignore.

Anyone want to post a bet on when I'll take Gagh and SomeoneI8 off too?