Troll Kingdom

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Birthday Presents


Elder Statesman
Here is what I want from TK for my birthday:

A clear photo of LoveChild's butt, in something that shows it off well (or nothing at all). PM or E-mail, not public.

I want Illy to send me a sound file of her saying something very naughty in German. Same notes as above. I know you certainly write English beautifully, but I want to hear you in your native tongue.

I want Cait to drape herself artfully over my knee in a maid's uniform so she can take "my" birthday spankings.

I want cinch to...well...she knows. For the rest of you, it involves a corset.

I want MM to send me her phone number again so we can have a little "talk".

I want Conchanga to argue theology with me again. I really enjoyed those discussions. Menty, you too.

I want another well-participated in "Truth or Dare" thread/game.

I want Luci's 3 week dead body to be found in a 55 gallon drum full of semen.

I want Jack, Gear, and Donno to explain what they get out of trolling, this is a genuine question as they pursue it so single-mindedly.

I want Loktar to take his on-line personality and project it into real-life for awhile so he gets laid. You would too.

I want Skin and Body Bag to come back for a week, in old form.

I want a list of entertaining places to go in NYC from Eggs. My sister still lives there and I want to take HER out for once next time I visit.

I'd like The Saint to write a public description of the most interesting part of his wedding/honeymoon. Not necessarily smut, just a story based on fact.

I want my SB account to have "rogue admin" status again, for a day. Just so I can say it was done more than once.

There may be more demands later.
I just popped the first zit I've had in years. That was pretty cool, a "volcano" zit.

Happy Birthday Fuckley! :bigass: I'm making some coffee...want some?
I want Loktar to take his on-line personality and project it into real-life for awhile so he gets laid. You would too.

Working on it. Ladies love a man with money, a job, and confidence. Went on a job interview this afternoon. I think it went well. If nothing else it boosted my confidence.
In order for me to answer you question you'll need to define trolling. Or whatever it is you think I pursue single-mindedly.

If I read you right the simple answer is I can but I don't. At least not very often and certainly not from a position of single-mindedness. At least not at first. I do tend to focus as it becomes necessary. If you perceive what I do differently, I'll need to be accused properly in order to mount a defense.

I'll keep my two alternative personalities (you know them as 'Jack' and 'Donovan') quiet while we talk.
^ No accusation is intended.

I shall re-phrase the question, however: why do you find engaging in an internet discussion/conflict to be rewarding? What is a "win"?

To use the recent "E" example, where you essentially drove her from this board (and maybe others, but I only hang out here and TKR), you put a lot of energy into responses and such. Was this fun? Was it done on principal? Did you feel you were teaching her a lesson of some type?

Pure curiosity, as I don't expect to get quite a few of my requests, I won't feel bad if you brush this off.
Brushing you off would be very un-Riotgear of me.

I didn't run Eloisel off. I pointed out that she was being passive aggressive and nasty with me in a way I felt was unfruitful given the context (TKR). You'll recall everyone else ran her off after that.

No principle. I just don't like people being unpleasant for no reason. Her issue with me went back to my first foray into TK. I fucked with her. She didn't like it and couldn't get over it those many months later @ TKR. That would be the source of her P/A bullshit toward me IMO.
Zero energy expended.

As far as what I get out of this - When people rub or chafe in this setting it manifest as a puzzle to me. Like a crossword puzzle or sodoku or something. Maybe like rubik. Something to be tricked around with. I have no emotional/ego investment. Which is part of why I can be so effective as a troll when I put my mind to it.

To the best of my knowledge none of you are real and I couldn't care less about principles or teaching anyone a lesson. My preference is for a more controlled/relaxed environment. Probably because I don't actually get much from this. Something like TKR (or at least it did) works for a poster like me because I can stretch out ideas without a bunch of braying.