Gonad said:
Ok, ok, i'll take your troll bait. why am I supposed to be scared of Real Weak Coochie.
Is it the pie graphs?
The constant, "HEY NIGGER!" comments?
Is it his constant accusations that i smoke crack or whatever?
(that's ironic though after i read the thread about him being a user, lol.)
So, why again?
p.s. Hey Menty and TK denizens, how are you liking Comicon?
It's sloooow on the weekends, so if you want action hit it up during the week when everyone is wasting away office hours of mediocrity..
Wait, let me step back into character real quick, "MOTHERFUCKER SUCK DICKS THROUGH A STRAW YOUR MOMMA missmanners is a goddess!missmanners is a goddess!missmanners is a goddess!missmanners is a goddess! PASTE ASS JUICE GIZZUMS!!"
ok, these heinekens of our lives, i swear, heh.