Blackfoot vs. Mariner 10


Holy Roman Emperor
Goooooood mornin' people of Troll Kingdom! Today, we unveil a new sport - Speedboxing! In this sport, two contestants go at each other as fast as they can, and use their kinetic energy to knock the other one out!

In this corner, we have the former fish-shop owner, and resident blatherer.... BLACKFOOT! Weighing in at maybe 200 lbs, and with a top speed of about 15 miles per hour... he is at.... "meh" rank.

And in the other corner, we have the old NASA probe... Mariner 10!

First probe to explore the planet Mercury, Mariner 10 weighs in at just over half a ton, and has a top speed of around seventy-two thousand miles per hour!

Now, ladies and gentlemen of TK.... PLACE YOUR BETS!!!!!