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Blacks and Whites

As far as I am concerned, anyone who is here legally, and makes an attempt to blend into the American culture (i.e. LEARN ENGLISH), can claim America as his own. That's what the country was founded on.

However, if you're here illegally, and/or you don't make any attempt to learn the language, and fit in with our culture, then you cannot claim America as your own. I'm most definitely not suggesting that you abandon every aspect of your culture. I'm merely saying that you can't speak Spanish or Vietnamese or Swahili exclusively, you cannot dress or act like you're still in Mexico or the Sudan, and expect to be able to claim America as your own.

America is for Americans, be they from Texas, Pennsylvania, Chile, or Prague. As long as you make an effort to adapt to our culture, you're cool.
Lou The Beagle said:
Native Americans? Ever heard of those?
Americans? You mean black and white Americans? I know of no 'Native' Americans. I know there were indigenous peoples inhabiting the American landmass.

You're the 'negroidal' person, correct? Is your entire knowledge of history and what is cruel and natural founded on Black History month?

I'm perturbed by the fact white Americans have to take shit for something that has been done since the dawn of time. You want to bitch and settle old scores? Take your protest sign to Cyprus or Taiwan. How about the Ainu of Japan? Are they on the list of oppressed peoples?

Big Dick McGee said:
As far as I am concerned, anyone who is here legally, and makes an attempt to blend into the American culture (i.e. LEARN ENGLISH), can claim America as his own. That's what the country was founded on.
Actually, it was founded on 2 important things: White Europeans assimilating into White American society (Learning English, as you stated) and co-existing with blacks.

A fundamental flaw in current 'White Nationalist' movements is that many elements seek to totally wipe the black man from the annals of American history. Although the intentions are not more or less noble than those of Black Nationalists, the Nation of Islam, or the Black Panthers, it will always be the main obstacle in White Nationalism gaining any sort of clout.

I have read more on this topic and have found that the actual conditions of blacks in the US (Since this is the topic of the thread) were much different than current perceptions of the time period acknowledge. The image of the perpetually cruel white master and the apathy of whites is not entirely accurate. I can elaborate more on this if asked to.

It's quackery and hypocritically leftist to say on the one hand that 'no one' deserves to be in the United States because the 'native' Americans are the only ones deserving of it whilst simultaneously proclaiming that it is a nation founded on immigration and that everyone under the sun deserves to move there, regardless of skin color, religion, language, etc (Which the new arrivals seem resistant to discard. Yes, discard, because you have your country of origin, and you are not there if you emmigrate.)

However, if you're here illegally, and/or you don't make any attempt to learn the language, and fit in with our culture, then you cannot claim America as your own. I'm most definitely not suggesting that you abandon every aspect of your culture. I'm merely saying that you can't speak Spanish or Vietnamese or Swahili exclusively, you cannot dress or act like you're still in Mexico or the Sudan, and expect to be able to claim America as your own.

America is for Americans, be they from Texas, Pennsylvania, Chile, or Prague. As long as you make an effort to adapt to our culture, you're cool.

"In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes
here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he
shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an
outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or
birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the man's becoming
in very fact an American, and nothing but an American. There can be no
divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but
something else also, isn't an American at all. We have room for but one
flag, the American flag ... and this excludes the red flag, which
symbolizes all wars against liberty and civilization, just as much as it
excludes any foreign flag of a nation to which we are hostile. We have
room for but one language here, and that is the English language. And
we have room for but one sole loyalty, and that is a loyalty to the
American people." - Theodore Roosevelt

I'm most definitely not suggesting that you abandon every aspect of your culture.
You mean that Irish should still be violent and drunk and Italians should be mobsters? Because other than that, Americans are American. Don't say a mutt (Excuse the term) is a poodle.

What are your 'roots?' Is all you have left of your European origins nothing but cuisine, white Americans?
The Question said:
Well, that's mightily uninformed of you.

Big Dick McGee said:
America is for Americans, be they from Texas, Pennsylvania, Chile, or Prague. As long as you make an effort to adapt to our culture, you're cool.

Prague? Why didn't you just say Czech Republic?
I'm perturbed by the fact white Americans have to take shit for something that has been done since the dawn of time.
I never said they should. And I admit that blacks have even MORE oppertunity than ever to get good jobs and get educated, bu because of the ghetto mentality that gets engrained from the adults in their lives, the children grow up thinking crime is normal, marriage is something for white people and that anyone who dare get an education and make money doing something besides drug dealing is a "sellout."

It's the made reason Lt. FuckFace Mewa hates me. I pull his head out of his ass and makes him look at the sun. ;)
Lou The Beagle said:
I never said they should. And I admit that blacks have even MORE oppertunity than ever to get good jobs and get educated, bu because of the ghetto mentality that gets engrained from the adults in their lives, the children grow up thinking crime is normal, marriage is something for white people and that anyone who dare get an education and make money doing something besides drug dealing is a "sellout."

It's the made reason Lt. FuckFace Mewa hates me. I pull his head out of his ass and makes him look at the sun. ;)

The ghetto mentality is 'ingrained' into the black children by black adults. The whites have nothing whatsoever to do with this. Blacks invented gangsta rap. Blacks determined that to be successful is to be a 'sellout', not the whites. The fact remains, blacks do sell drugs on street corners. Just check your own American jails. Blacks receive better education and therefore have better opportunities as a result would be all thanks to white 'guilt'. Blacks need to stop blaming whites for all of their problems. New Orleans is a perfect example. A HURRICANE destroys New Orleans yet the blacks claimed it was the whites who are to blame. Strange since a huge number of whites lived there also. Whites would kill their own as long as they took out as many blacks as possible in the process? Blacks are stupid and this is proof. I may be Canadian but I saw the news which showed blacks shooting at rescue helicopters who were out to save both whites and blacks. Not once did I see a white person doing the same thing. Odd. Blacks claim FEMA took so long to rescue New Orleans because many blacks live there. Gee but many blacks live in Florida too and that state always gets hit. Nary a word is said about 'racism' during the rescue attempts. Could those blacks who refused to evacuate New Orleans when they were told the hurricane was coming decide rather than reveal their own stupidity they should blame the white man? I thought so too.
Please people. It is my ancestors from the great British Empire who founded the United States of America. British people had been living on the North American continent long before anyone else had therefore we lay claim to it. The United States is really a nation of British traitors who turned their backs on the Empire. Simple. Forget about Czechs, Poles and the like. They are meaningless.

Do not attempt to mention the ideal of multiculturalism to a Canadian such as myself. No one knows more about this subject than a Canadian. We invented the term and it was our social experiment. I can tell you without a doubt the experiment is a grand failure. We have division in our nation never seen before in its entire history. Canadians nowadays are hyphenated. African-Canadians. Pakistani-Canadians. I suggest they be told you are either Canadian or get out of the country. So simple it is painful.

I fear my British ancestors erred in letting North America go free after they owned the entire continent. We also erred in deciding to return the Mideast to the Arabs. If we had kept it within our Empire, the world's oil supplies would be ours today. This would have been enough to sustain the Empire. Remember, our Empire shrank thanks to two World Wars which devastated us and our ability to maintain that Empire. The oil wealth would have been enough to offset those costs. Even today I wonder why my people left the Mideast. Remember, they did so voluntarily after completely destroying the Ottoman Empire when the morons decided to take on the greatest Empire the world had ever seen. From the day the Ottoman Empire declared war on the British Empire, everyone should have been aware of the incredible stupidity of Arabs and Turks. For the Ottoman Empire to take on the British Empire would have been the equivalent of Grenada attempting to defeat the entire U.S.A.
SaintLucifer said:
The ghetto mentality is 'ingrained' into the black children by black adults.
Whoops, forgot to put that in my post. But I agree.

My mom told me of a comment her sister made when i was aournd a year old and used to run very fast. I always preferred running over walking at that time. But anyway, my aunt said "Oh, that baby's fast. She gonna end up with a baby before she's fifteen."


Suffice it to say I'm the first in my generation of cousins to attend a four-year college and not have a baby before I could play the lotto.

Blacks receive better education and therefore have better opportunities as a result would be all thanks to white 'guilt'.
At the college level, perhaps. But many heavily minority schools are very underfunded because the children aren't doing well on standardized testing.

The kinds don't pass the tests, because they don't have materials to work with.

There's no marterials because there's no money

There's no money becasue no on's passing tests...

and so on.

Whites would kill their own as long as they took out as many blacks as possible in the process? Blacks are stupid and this is proof.
No. Blacks are NOT stupid. A select few fuckwits don't speak for the rest of us, and certainly not me.

I may be Canadian but I saw the news which showed blacks shooting at rescue helicopters who were out to save both whites and blacks. Not once did I see a white person doing the same thing. Odd.
First off, it was proven that the guy didn't even know how to use the damn gun and kept missing the helicopter anyway. And reports have come out months later stating that the media had completely overblwon the looting and raping that went on in there (Don't knot why the looting was such a problem, since the TV's were probably waterlogged anyway).

In any even, you can't possibly convince me it would take over a week to drop some water down to those on the freeway and WEREN'T completely flooded.

Could those blacks who refused to evacuate New Orleans when they were told the hurricane was coming decide rather than reveal their own stupidity they should blame the white man? I thought so too.
Kinda hard to evacuate without reliable transportation.

And if the poor whites didn't have a car, chances are they probably knew someone that did, unlike their black counterparts.
Big Dick McGee said:
As far as I am concerned, anyone who is here legally, and makes an attempt to blend into the American culture (i.e. LEARN ENGLISH), can claim America as his own. That's what the country was founded on.

However, if you're here illegally, and/or you don't make any attempt to learn the language, and fit in with our culture, then you cannot claim America as your own.

See? I knew if we waited long enough BDM would give us a way to disown Bush! :P