"Blacks For Trump" What a joke....Mostly White People Attend a Black Detroit Rally.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom

Donald Trump's Crowd at Black Detroit Church Raises Eyebrows​

Former President Donald Trump's visit to Detroit on Saturday, where he attended a roundtable discussion at a Black church, sparked debate on social media as he seeks to win over Black voters ahead of the 2024 presidential election. On Saturday, Trump hosted a roundtable discussion at the 180 Church, a Black church on the outskirts of downtown Detroit. Flanked by "Black Americans for Trump" signs, the former president vowed to return "some Sunday" to attend a sermon and claimed, "We have done more for the Black population than any president since Abraham Lincoln."

Pastor Lorenzo Sewell of 180 Church told Reuters he initially thought he was being pranked when the Trump campaign reached out to him. However, he welcomed the opportunity, stating, "People that are disenfranchised, pushed aside, and marginalized typically don't have a voice at the table," Sewell said. Reactions to Trump's church visit on X, formerly known as Twitter, were mixed. Supporters praised the former president for reaching out to the Black community, while critics accused him of pandering and questioned his sincerity, citing his divisive rhetoric and policies during his presidency. Supporters lauded the former president's outreach efforts and initiative in the "hood" as one participant noted during the roundtable discussion, "President Trump, I'm so humbled that you would be here. President Obama never came to the hood. President Biden went to the big NAACP dinner but he never came to the hood -- so THANK YOU!"

Newsweek contacted both the Trump and Biden campaigns via email on Saturday for comment. However, critics accused Trump of filling the historically Black church with white supporters and even "staging" the event to show a robust crowd. Lifelong Democrat Christopher Webb (@cwebbonline) posted a reaction on X to Trump's Detroit appearance, "Trump is definitely going to win the Black vote...by filling a Black church with white folks for his rally."

Axios reporter Sam Robinson (@samueljrob) posted videos from the event and reminded followers that just four short years ago Trump called Detroit "a living hell." The Biden-Harris campaign took to X to react to the visit, posting, "Trump's desperate attempt at Black voter "outreach" in front of a noticeably empty and white audience."

As a city with one of the highest proportions of Black residents in the U.S., Detroit is poised to play a crucial role in determining the winner of Michigan's electoral votes. The city has witnessed a tale of two realities: some areas have experienced a notable economic revival, while others continue to grapple with the lasting effects of systemic inequalities and a legacy of underinvestment. According to political analysts, the primary concerns for Detroit voters in the upcoming election are likely to be the rising cost of living and personal financial matters.

With the 2024 presidential election campaign gaining momentum, Donald Trump's attempts to assemble a diverse base of support in key swing states like Michigan are expected to come under close examination. Trump's campaign team has contended that there is potential to gain ground with Black voters, especially men who may be facing economic hardships.

Nevertheless, detractors argue that Trump's history of controversial statements and actions call into question the genuineness of his efforts to connect with these communities.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom

‘Numbers Are The Numbers’: CNN Host Pushes Back When Commentator Rejects Polls Showing Trump’s Gains With Black Voters​

CNN host Sara Sidner on Monday pushed back when political commentator Bakari Sellers dismissed polls suggesting former President Donald Trump will win a historically large portion of the black vote. CNN senior data reporter Harry Enten during a previous Monday segment said Trump is “careening towards a historic performance” with black voters in the 2024 election as President Joe Biden hemorrhages a major segment of this demographic. Sidner, on “CNN News Central,” noted Enten’s reporting and asked Sellers what he makes of it, with the commentator attacking its accuracy and the host asserting these “are the numbers.”

“You just heard Harry Enten with shock and surprise on his face as he was looking at the numbers,” Sidner said. “And I want to go to you first, Bakari. What explains this? Biden 70%, Trump in 2024, 21% of voters, a very high number. And then when you look at 50 and under, the numbers are dramatically different for any Democratic president that we have ever seen. These numbers [are] very high for a Republican candidate. What explains that, you think?”

“Poor polling. I mean, if you want to be honest about it. If Donald Trump gets those numbers, then I truly believe that I can sell Harry this bridge in Brooklyn,” Sellers said. “That’s just not happening. I think that people have to just level set a little bit, relax a little bit, stop hyperventilating. Donald Trump is not going to get 20% of the black vote. He’s simply not.”

The commentator added that as the election continues, Biden will win back more of these voters.

“I think that Harry and everyone else who are looking at these polls analyze this race incorrectly all the time. And the reason they analyze this race incorrectly is because Donald Trump isn’t the biggest threat to Joe Biden. The biggest threat to Joe Biden is black voters staying at home,” Sellers said. “Black voters aren’t going to all of a sudden under the age of 50 or however old they are, because he gets four or five unnamed rappers from Detroit or four or five unnamed rappers from the Bronx to support him. They’re not going to all of a sudden, you know, flock to Donald Trump.”

“But the numbers are the numbers, Bakari. I mean, are you saying you just don’t believe the polls? Or are you saying you don‘t think these polls will be representative of the population once voting begins in November?” Sidner asked, to which Sellers said “both.”

Sidner on Monday told Biden campaign co-chair Mitch Landrieu that the majority of the “talking points” he recited against Trump are “definitely true,” which included that the former president “was asking people to drink Clorox” and that every time he opens his mouth, “he’s lying.”

Trump is presently beating Biden by 0.8% in a head-to-head matchup nationally, according to the RealClearPolling average. Enten on Monday also said Biden and Trump both perform worse with black voters when independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is on the ballot, but that Kennedy cuts into the current president’s lead more.

“I think what we’ve seen over the past eight years is pretty bad polling,” he added. “And then I think what you’ve seen consistently since that time is individuals have a very difficult time acknowledging that we’ve had that polling and then the polling continuously gets worse.”

“And so I think that‘s one of the issues that we have, but I mean the Biden campaign has, they do have issues with African-American voters in terms of getting them to turn out to vote. That is a fact … I was with Kamala Harris last week in Charlotte, North Carolina and one of the things she was trying to do is ensure that she got black voters to the polls, particularly younger black voters, so they are working towards that,” Sellers said.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
‘Devious’: Trump slammed for ‘airbrushing Black people’ into bogus African-American church stunt


Active Member
It wasn't blacks for Trump. It was a black church open to the general public. That said in 2020 Trump got 7% of the black vote and now he is up to 22% and Democrats are shitting their pants because they were used to getting 95% of the black vote.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
It wasn't blacks for Trump. It was a black church open to the general public. That said in 2020 Trump got 7% of the black vote and now he is up to 22% and Democrats are shitting their pants because they were used to getting 95% of the black vote.

More disinformation. There is no way that 1 in 5 black voters will be voting for Trump. You know it and I know it. All the news is doing is ginning this election up to sell views. Democrats don't "shit their pants" over anything really. That's all histrionics by the far right. Probably Chuckie will vote for Trump though. He's that fucking dumb.



The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Your desire to desperately avoid acknowledging reality is noted. Sure, it is pathetic and sad denialism but you do you.
You think n.iggers are going to line up and vote for him. Well, maybe a white n.igger like you might, but real black people?

You're fucking delusional. But then aren't all magats? You certainly fit the mold.



Active Member
I do believe he will come in around 20% of the black vote as that is what all polls are showing now. Might this change by the time Nov rolls around? Sure, that is possible but it is notable that the Democrats are losing their absolute lock on black voters and, yes, that very much is worrying Democrats.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Tell me you're going to vote for a convicted felon.



The Legendary Troll Kingdom
I do believe he will come in around 20% of the black vote as that is what all polls are showing now. Might this change by the time Nov rolls around? Sure, that is possible but it is notable that the Democrats are losing their absolute lock on black voters and, yes, that very much is worrying Democrats.
Huh, I can remember a couple of years ago when you insisted polls were "bullshit".

So interesting you think they're some sort of authentic barometer, as opposed to cherry picking, but you do you (as you like to say)


Active Member
If you are talk about 2016 when all the polls said Hillary would win... I, and many others such as Nate Silver, pointed out systematic methodological errors that were occuring. Such as only polling homeowners with landlines which skewed heavily toward the elderly resulting in non representative samples.

Polling companies have gone to correct a lot of those systematic errors in the last decade and many aggregators have also weighted polling companies based upon past performance as well as reliability. I.E. Does the company in question use disreputable tactics to I fluence results such as push polling? Did the company do a large enough sample size to get tight error bars? Did they make efforts to sample a statistically valid subset? Or are they a known partisan actor simply trying to skew numbers to get people to think their candidates are winning?


Active Member
One tactic I used to see used a lot by forums such as Democratic Underground was to "bomb polls" were no representative self selected participants deliberately vote multiple times in online polls. Then claims "See, 98% hate Trump!". Good polling doesn't allow such garbage as people self selecting in much less brigading and they certainly are not open online polls.


Active Member
BTW when it is not ally left wing groups like CNN admitting their numbers are 22% of blacks saying they are voting for Trump then you know the problem is real. Especially when other independent polling companies keep coming up with similar numbers.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
CNN hasnt been left wing for years now. It's OWNED by conservative media. Has been since 2022. Do try to keep up.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Um. No. Like I said before, do try to keep up. That's like saying NEWSWEEK is "left leaning"

CNN is a right wing echo chamber these days. Figures you can't even tell.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom