Boardwalk Empire 1x01 - Pilot

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Martin Scorsese is involved, so of course the production values are excellent and the violence/gore are graphic. Mark Wahlberg is involved so of course the women are all portrayed ridiculously.

The pace was slow to start, and it wasn't clear if I should even give a damn about anyone until they started piling on the misfortunes to Lucky Thompson, and then had him solve his problems "Mattresses" style at the end.

I dunno. Steve Buscemi isn't what I'd hoped he'd be in the main role. The other actors are pretty forgettable, except for Michael Pitt as the WWI vet sidekick. He is awful, and doesn't know how to act in a period piece to save his life. What were they thinking in casting him, unless they plan on making him "the frequently naked one" later on. But really, I've seen every millimeter of him, alert and at rest already, like Ewen McGregor, so it's not even going to be a surprise.

I may not start a recap thread for every episode, but I'm still giving it a chance for the time being. But a lot of this ground has already been covered in more exciting and witty ways, so it will be an uphill battle for me.

p.s. yes there were boobies and ladybutt and sex (but it was with Buscemi). The women were more healthy then, that much is good.


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
I found myself underwhelmed as well, even with Kelly MacDonald, whom I've loved since Trainspotting and My Life So Far. Hopefully the series will get better.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
I didn't think it was too bad for a pilot episode. Sometimes it takes a couple episodes for the cast and story to all come together. I didn't hate it, so I'll watch a few more times to give it a proper chance.


I want to smell dark matter
Is Kelly MacDonald scottish in it or is this yet another british actor playing american character role?

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
No Country For Old Men! THAT'S where I've seen Kelly McDonald a'fore!!


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
Wacky, she's using her accent.


I want to smell dark matter

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
I thought she was playing Irish in it? I need to watch it again.


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
^No, you're right. Should have said she's using "an" accent, not hers.