Bonds hits 713

It's interesting that only steroidally fuelled atheletes are able to acheive these stats.
Hambil said:

One more and he breaks Babe Ruth's record. Soon he'll be the new all time home run hitter. The questions is, does he deserve it? Should it count? If not, what kind of pandoras box are we opening? Do we have to re-examine all the records set in the last 20 years?

Um, no, one more and he ties Babe Ruth. And it's not a "record" anymore, since Hammerin' Hank hit 715 back on April 8, 1974. When Bonds hits 715 it'll be a milestone, but not a record. MLB has said as much, they won't make any fanfare about it. I mean, it's like someone hitting 65 homeruns in a season; sure you've passed Roger Maris, but you'd still have 9 more to break the record.

As far as Bonds "soon" being the all-time home run hitter, no chance. He won't play past this year, and he'll be lucky if he hits 35 homers this year. Nope, I think Bonds will be #3 in the world all-time (of course you do know that Sadaharu Ohh hit 868 homers for the Yomiuri Giants, right?)

The ironic thing is, Bonds would have gone down as one of the best ballplayers of all time, without the steroids. His ego just couldn't handle "that White Boy" Mark McGwire getting all the attention. It's pathetic.
I don't see why they can't use steroids if it makes the game more interesting. In fact, I think they should all be required to use steroids.

No, this is not a lame troll. I actually beleive this. Ask BDM.