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Bored Of Professional Responsibility


New member
Stay tuned ............I will tell you how I trapped another RAT. He was somewhat of a challenge, being a lawyer and all. It took six months, I kept having to change bait:

Government Cheese (didn't work cause he is in private sector)

Peanut Butter

Low-Fat Cheese

Monterey Jack

TrollKingdom Cheese................this one did the trick. Pissed him off too!!! he brought his swastika out and got all in my face!!!! acting like the arrogant TURD he is.

One thing I can say for TrollKingdom~~I honed in on the "trolling" skills I learned here at TrollKingdom and imagine my surprize when I caught Lil' Hitler instead of another Rat!!!!!!
FederalAgent007 said:
Stay tuned ............I will tell you how I trapped another RAT. He was somewhat of a challenge, being a lawyer and all. It took six months, I kept having to change bait:

Government Cheese (didn't work cause he is in private sector)

Peanut Butter

Low-Fat Cheese

Monterey Jack

TrollKingdom Cheese................this one did the trick. Pissed him off too!!! he brought his swastika out and got all in my face!!!! acting like the arrogant TURD he is.

One thing I can say for TrollKingdom~~I honed in on the "trolling" skills I learned here at TrollKingdom and imagine my surprize when I caught Lil' Hitler instead of another Rat!!!!!!

You have trolling skills? Would you be kind enough to display them? I have yet to see anything remotely resembling such. You may begin sweetiepie.

JillianBacardi Theatre

JillianBacardi: Where is the expungement form you filed with the court???

Lil' Hitler: What's a X-sponge-ment form???

JillianBacardi: The form you said you would file the day after my criminal court date. The form that wipes the criminal online harassment charge off the face of the earth???

Lil' Hitler: Huh??

JillianBacardi: OK, that's enough, if you won't give it to me I will see if the Board can get it for me.

Lil' Hitler: Really??

Jillian and Lil' Hitler go back and forth between the referee's........


Lil' Hitler: Is that a law??

JillianBacardi: You Dirty, Lying Lawyer!!! You have lied and lied and lied.

Board closes File. Jillian opens back up. Three Months Later............

JillianBacardi: How long does the restraining order run??

Lil' Hitler: 2 days.

Wait...........six months.

A year??? I remember telling you it ran a year on the Day of Court.

JillianBacardi: You did not you lying piece of shit.

Board Closes File. Jillian opens back up.

JillianBacardi: I want a copy of the expungement order you filed.

Lil' Hitler: *rifles through some papers* I is here somewhere.

Fuck......I can't find it, my secretary must have misplaced it.

No wait...............I never did file one cause you can't file an expungement for three months when you sign a restraining order.

JillianBacardi: I am requesting the Board get a copy of the expungement order Lil' Hitler filed.

*Judge hands them a copy*

Lil' Hitler: See..........there is no date on the restraining order. I told you that on the day of court!! We let it run and run and run and run until we drive you crazy enough. Then we put you in restraints. Then we can file for expungement. I plainly told you that on the day of court.

JillianBacardi: You don't know the law do you??? AND WHAT IS THE BURGLARY CHARGE YOU HAVE ON THE FORM YOU FREAKIN' IDIOT????

Lil' Hitler: You are a Burglar, didn't I tell you??? I remember telling you six months ago.

Or was it three months??

No.........wait!!! I told you on the day of court. I just didn't say anything in front of the judge cause we didn't have probable cause, we didn't know who you burglarized or what you got in the burglary. We are still investigating that. But........being the nice guy I am, I went ahead and applied for expungement.

JillianBacardi: ...
JillianBacardi: *5 minutes later* You are such a lying bastard. Do you people at the Board see how many lies he has told??? It is right here on paper!!! He has lied about 4 different things. He cannot keep his story straight.

Board Closes File.........sends Jillian a letter.

We don't see that Lil' Hitler did anything wrong.
JillianBacardi Theatre again............

*Lil Hitler dressed up in uniform stands before the mirror drawing tiny moustache on upper lip*

Lil' Hitler: *evil laugh* I guess I showed that JillianBacardi bitch!!! Whose side did she think I was on anyway???? Evidence she gave me in the case.......BWAAAAAHAAAAHAAAAAAA

I think that girl been smokin' too much crack!!!!!!! Feds on a Troll board???? BBBBAAAAAWHAAAAAAHAAAAAAAAAA..............I made her out as a thug Burglar!!!!! I can't believe that idiot prison guard forged emails on her account or we could have got her for online harassment!!!!!!!!

*trots down to local newspaper*

Lil' Hitler: I want to take out a front page Ad!!!!!!!!

NewsBoi: ok

Lil' Hitler: I want you to tell everyone the Criminal Court judge has her head up her ass, is not familiar with my cases, does not know the law, is out to get me and she is RUDE!!!!!!!

NewsBoi: what makes you think that???

Lil' Hitler: Cause she convicted my client of DUI!!!! He had only had 8 doubles on the rocks in an hour!!!!!!! she said he was not fit to get behind the wheel of an automobile!!!! Does she not know that .36 is within the legal limit??????

or is it .036??? anyway............RUN THE AD!!!!!!! on the biggest day of the week, the biggest distribution day!!!!!!!

JillianBacardi: wtf??????
*JillianBacardi Yells at Lil' Hitler*...........Hey!! Tard!!! Why don't you take it up with the Bored of Professional Responsibility??? you know, of the Supreme Court!! They will rule in your favor, after all.............their cushy jobs and big fat salaries are paid by YOU..........Attorney's.
*Lil' Hitler whirls around, glares at Jillian, he shrinks to 5'1", starts doing karate kicks*

You want more Saint Lucifer??? was that a good enough troll???
Watch this...........I'm going to see if I can make Lil' Hitler do the switch blade or jack knife.

JillianBacardi: Lil' Hitler!!!!!!! Do ya think that was such a good career move to publicly 'dis a Judge???? she did win the primary???? been a judge 8 + years! I mean.............I don't know much about "lawyering", but then again..........neither do you. After all, you didn't know my case, didn't know the law regarding expungments, didn't know what I was charged with, kept changing your story about why a warrant was put out for my arrest when you didn't let me know when my court date was, didn't believe me when I told you there were feds on this board and they probably wouldn't want to be dragged like alleycats into the court room. Then you said all the "evidence" I gave you had no relevance to my case. Which case would that be Lil' Hitler???? Did you ever find "probable cause" for the online harassment charge or the Burglary and prior arrest charge???? Maybe you should have checked it out and you would have found the same thing my current competent lawyer found. story sounded kinda bizarre and everything........but he was smart enough to check it out. I figure he did that for two reasons: either I was telling the truth or I was a nutcase and he wouldn't want the case. He is still my lawyer.

*Lil' Hitler swirls around, glares at Jillian and does the gyro*

*JillianBacardi starts laughing her ass off* That was good!!!!
Here is a lil FYI for you Lil' Hitler. I have been surrounded by liars. They are DIRTY, so Jillie had to get down in the mud pit with them. It's a dirty job, but you have to fight dirt with mud sometimes.

I knew the Board wasn't going to do anything to would be a conflict of guys pay them. So I had to think about how I could "use" them to lure you in the RAT trap. It worked.

I almost wore me out going back and forth and opening, closing, opening, closing the file. You kept changing your story, I have it in writing, you lied, you acted in an incompetent manner and not in my best interest, you didn't know the law, you couldn't the best of your knowledge........and you were too lazy to go back to see how you had responded in your previous letters. I wasn't too last two trolls on you.....the Quote Lil' Hitler letters that pissed you off, I was able to attach all your previous correspondence that clearly shows what a fuck-up you are. Then you dis a judge that hears your cases on the front page of the paper. I want her to hear my case. Your threats in your last two to three letters...........I can file a motion to set aside her plea, ask the court to set this matter back on the docket, to have a preliminary hearing.......have her case bound over to the grand jury and indicted into Criminal Court.

Did you get my last letter??? I'm sure they got it to you because they closed the case when they got it. I wanted to go for it...........lets put it back on the docket and let a grand jury hear it. Thing is...........I sure as hell wouldn't let you be my lawyer, I would be giving the GRAND JURY as this correspondence that shows you didn't even know my case, there was no probable cause in the online harassment case...........nobody can figure out the was a mistake. I have all of that in writing too.......I went back and forth with the Court Clerk who kept changing her story too. What a bunch of fuck ups.

This case is going back to Court and a Grand Jury is going to hear it. All of it. Only I am not going to be the one on trial.
