Boys & Girls Be Careful of The Demon Possessed Perverts Here!

Mommy Bridgette

New Member
Just a friendly note to all the good boys and girls out there.

Messenger wrote a message about showinbg his bottom to people. Now, boys and girls, it isn't a good idea to do that. There are many demon-possessed perverts here.
I don't know if you know this or not (hopefully mommy and daddy dosen't allow you to watch such shows), but there was a show on television that showed how sickos are trying to hurt boys and girls. Now, I hope that we don't have such perverted monsters here, but with the various collection of sinners and reprobates we have here, I wouldn't take any chances. You see, posting messages like "Look at my butt" or "let me show you my privates" attracts sickos, people who need to be in prison.
Also remember, we have some people here who have serious mental problems, are on drugs or both. These individuals are unstable, and untill someone places them in a mental institution or a straightjacket, there's no way we can be sure they won't do something crazy. Some, like Dork Lord, are chronic self abusers who are seriously addicted and on a slow train to criminal insanity. Others, like Jack, are boys with serious anger problems who depserately need medication and counseling. In either case, there are others whom are just as depraved and mentally damaged as Dork Lord and Jack. For that reason, be careful not to put any ideas into their minds, especially Jack. Jack has a terrible anger problem and definitely should never be allowed anything sharp. I hope his mommy locks the knife drawer at night..I know *I* would!


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