Bravery at its Finest


Elder Statesman
I'd grade that as "stupid", not brave.

Darwin award candidates. People swim in "Emerald pool" above Vernal falls in Yosemite despite very blunt signs saying "If you go over the falls, rescue is not possible, you will DIE". Looks like the same situation.

"Bravery" is risking your life for a purpose other than a self-serving thrill.

FBI parte due

Folces Weard
No, bravery can be stupid and selfish.

It's only not bravery if you don't have any fear to overcome because you're too stupid to realize how much danger you're in (as above).

I Love Cunt

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I would do it. Judging from that video no. But after research and watching several videos yes. I think. Maybe, I mean probably. I mean well I would at least hike to that area and if it were a hot day and I felt like it, I might dip my toes in a little.


Forever Empress E
The title of this thread is very misleading. Those people endangering themselves to make a YouTube video is not bravery at its finest. They may be fearless but they are definitely not brave.

I Love Cunt

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It is not dangerous. But if you want to look at it that way, anything can be dangerous. Yes the title is misleading, I wouldn't call it "Bravery" either.

:rolleyes: Its a stargaurd thread, what do you expect? Something to make sense?


Forever Empress E
I'm rather fond of Starguard. Of course, you are one of my favorites too.


Elder Statesman
All I can think of is one slippery rock, and some human being is fish-food.

I'll take my thrills in a different form, thanks. Still wouldn't call it "brave".

I Love Cunt

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I will tell Loktar that I will have sex with him, but only at Devil's Pool at Victoria Falls. I think he would say no. But damn, that would be some awesome sex right there. I mean at the falls.

I <3 U Loktar!

He is saving himself for the lucky girl that gets a ring on her finger. Now there is some bravery right there! : )


Elder Statesman
er....maybe if the two of you had safety harnesses on.


This is bravery.

75 year old English pension batters a group of 5 armed robbers with her handbag, causing them all to panic and be caught.
