Bret Michaels and Miley Cyrus


Forever Empress E
Ok - I like Bret Michaels.
I don't have to date him or be married to him and he makes it clear to any woman he is with he is a big old whore dog so I stay out of his shit.

But, I would not let him work with or in any way, shape or form be left alone with my young daughter (even if she is of barely legal age), ever, for no reason. He has made it very clear he is a big whore dog - BIG - capital B.

What in the world is Billy Ray Cyrus thinking? Does he have no influence over that girl at all? Where is her mother? Are they seriously desperate to remain in the public eye or to make a dollar bill or something?


I woke up to Bret and that Miley chick doing a duet of "Every Rose..." on GMA on Friday. I thought I was still sleeping, and having a nightmare!

Bret! What were you thinking?! Do you honestly want a Disney, sanitized version of your songs? That Cyrus chick isn't worthy enough to tune your guitar!

Dude, aim higher!