Brian BB2


I want to smell dark matter
Well, again, he won Big Brother back when people actually watched it, so he's a deserving choice. I never liked him much though.


Is this real life?
He's not so bad. He's queeny, but I think he's nice really. Nick's wrong, though, he doesn't look like Eamon Holmes, he looks like Ann Diamond.


I want to smell dark matter
I remember him being really bitchy about the second gay guy who came in because he wanted to be the only gay in the house.


Is this real life?
The second gay guy (Josh?) was a straight-acting gay. I guess that annoyed him too.

I liked Josh.


I want to smell dark matter
I like Brian so far because he's being nice to Nikki.


I want to smell dark matter
WINNNER! :sarek:


I want to smell dark matter
Well, again, he won Big Brother back when people actually watched it, so he's a deserving choice. I never liked him much though.

I liked him more this time than I remember liking him during BB2. He was very funny and a worthy winner for the last ever Big Brother since he has "BIG BROTHER HOUSEMATE" written all over him. The "oh no you didn't" thing got repetitive.