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Broke the screen to my iphone.


Staff member
Fucking MASSIVE rush down. :phpneutral:

Luckily it's only the glass that's cracked and the LCD itself is working fine underneath it. I don't suppose anyone has any experience in screen replacement kits or the like do they?

Does the touchscreen still work? Might be worthwhile to hold out for a couple months till the iPhone HD (or whatever) is released. You'd probably be spending at least $100 for screen replacement parts.
You could drive round until you see one of those people doing free windscreen repairs in supermarket carparks, then get him to fill it in for you.

Chances are this wont work, but it would be worth it to see the guys face when you ask.
It's just the glass that's fucked. The touch screen is undamaged thank God.

Summer is going to be a major expense for me in about a billion ways so I was not intending of adding the iPhone 4 to my shopping list any time soon so I'm not going to bother holding out for it. I found some screen replacement kits for 25 bucks on Amazon that look pretty good but I'm going to do some more research to make sure I get the best product before stumping for it.
I read about this guy who broke the glass and the touchscreen on his iPhone. The device worked fine otherwise. But apparently there is no way to turn off an iPhone without tapping the screen. The power button merely turns the display off, and of course you cannot remove the battery.

So it just had to sit and receive calls that could not be answered until it finally died.

Is this true, that you need to use the touchscreen to turn the phone off, even if you hold the power button down for like 10 seconds?

I could have turned it off with a hammer.
Yeah you can hard reset it by holding the home and power buttons for 10 seconds. That will shut it off without using the "slide to power off" command on the touchscreen.
Will Apple replace it?

I've seen so many on Ebay that are Fubar'd where people have tried to replace the glass themselves, then fucked it up.
I'm not going to even bother going the Apple route to be honest. If there was an Apple Store here I might give it a shot but there isn't. I've heard reports that it can cost 200 quid to get Apple to replace the screen which is a joke.

I've watched a few videos on Youtube of people replacing the screens and it is quite a production. It's easy to fuck it up because you need to use a hairdryer or heat gun to remove the broken glass from the adhesive surface and if you're not careful you can warp the plastic rim and screw the whole thing up.

I'm quite technically minded when it comes to these types of things though so I'll probably be okay (knocks on wood)