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BSG in 30 minutes!!

You taping it so you can stick around here? Right?

I'm taping tonites episode of Dr. Who to watch later.
BSG will go on hiatus.. I'm not sure when though. December I think, I'll check tomorrow.. might have to remind me. Not as long as Lost's hiatus though.. just for the holidays.

And no Loktar, I'm gonna watch it, cause I'm a geek. I might even watch all three times it airs tonight, but probably not.. depends on how good it is.
Cassie said:
BSG will go on hiatus.. I'm not sure when though. December I think, I'll check tomorrow.. might have to remind me. Not as long as Lost's hiatus though.. just for the holidays.

And no Loktar, I'm gonna watch it, cause I'm a geek. I might even watch all three times it airs tonight, but probably not.. depends on how good it is.

Whoa. That IS geeky. Dr. Who is on right now and again at 10PM, but I'm gonna watch it tommorrow on tape.
Well 3 times in one night is a bit much.. I usually leave it on and talk on the phone with one of my BSG nerd friends after the first airing. Don't really pay much attention to the tv. He's going out to watch a game so I probably won't get to chat with him tonight, unless he calls me all drunk. So, I might get back online, don't know yet.
I can't dl episodes cause I"m on dial up and it'd take 1000 years for a show to download. I don't have a TIVO, but I do have a VCR... but I really like BSG and I want to watch it as soon as it come on... OK LOKTAR GOSH! lol
Loktar said:
CaptainWacky said:
Yeah, watching tv shows on tv is so geeky.

Especially with TIVO, VCRs, and all the TV episode download sites out there.

That was sarcasm.

Sarcasm at you thinking that recording a TV show so you can spend more time on the internet is less geeky than, you know, maybe watching a TV show when it's on TV.
Fuddlemiff said:
That was sarcasm.

Sarcasm at you thinking that recording a TV show so you can spend more time on the internet is less geeky than, you know, maybe watching a TV show when it's on TV.

Well exuuuuuuuuuuuse me. My sarcasm detector is in the shop.
Not gonna spoil anything.. just wanted to say that it was a good episode, and very interesting.
that's the number one rule of being a cylon.. always have teh perky nips, besides it's cold on a basestar.