Buffy Season Nine/Angel & Faith


I want to smell dark matter
SO after the confusing mess that was Buffy Season Eight, Buffy's back! And this time Dark Horse have also bought the rights to Angel so he has a comic with Faith.

I read the first issue of Angel&Faith and it was pretty decent. The problem really is that it has to explain everything that happened in Buffy season 8 (at one point Faith says it was as confusing as a David Lynch movie) and in doing so it just makes Angel look REALLY REALLY INCREDIBLY DUMB. Like why did he do any of that? But yeah...it's a fresh start. He's out for redemption for all the stupid shit he did. The story involves Giles a bit, which is good. There's a flashback and he actually acts like Giles and looks like Giles (he didn't look like Giles in the Buffy comic. No one ever looked like who they were.)

It was a decent start and I'll keep reading and I'm sure Buffy season 9 starts soon.